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Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Top Choices of Personal Essay Samples 4th Grade

Top Choices of Personal Essay Samples 4th Grade Define the expression time management and describe ways you can take advantage of it in middle school. It is not important to us, whether you're too busy on the job concentrating on a passion undertaking, or simply tired of a seemingly infinite stream of assignments. Since the growth of search engines, things are made easier for many individuals. Students must work hard to have a top mark. Ok, I Think I Understand Personal Essay Samples 4th Grade, Now Tell Me About Personal Essay Samples 4th Grade! Describe several matters you would search for in your ideal high school. Each writing workshop starts with a mini lesson about the genre they're currently studying, but students are extremely rarely provided a prompt. Students need to understand how to compose persuasive essaysthis skill is critical because it's often tested. They go to school because they are forced to. Simile is a type of figurative language which can be put to use as a literary technique. The very first row indicates the step-by-step creation of each letter, including arrows to be sure that your child understands the appropriate formation. Example, explain why it's excellent to be an obedient individual. See that the objective of a persuasive speech is like the purpose for writing an argumentative or persuasive essaythe organizational structure and variety of data in a persuasive speech would be. The New Angle On Personal Essay Samples 4th Grade Just Released The perfect way to go is to seek out a special perspective of the subject you may easily discuss without any issues. Carefully analyze the points and just settle on a claim which you can comprehensively discuss in a means that may convince your readers. It's a resolving way to prove a specific point. As you do the research, attempt to highlight a number of the essential points about the subject to offer you an effortless time in creating a decision on the very best angle to pursue. What You Can Do About Personal Essay Samples 4th Grade Starting in the Next Eight Minutes This paragraph of introduction is known as Context. The debut of each written work ought to have a very clear thesis statement or argument. From time to time, in elaborating a point, you'll need to give examples. Adhere to the opening sentence with the crucial material for understanding of the problem. The Personal Essay Samples 4th Grade Pitfall Law essay writing service organizations are rampant online. If you would like to acquire expert Law essay aid, you must try to find a Law essay writing service. Write about something you care about and even when you are assigned a particular topic for an essay, select a view or aspect of that topic which you like and would delight in writing about. 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In summary, at the present moment school is a significant stage of my life. When you want an example written by means of a student check out our vast assortment of absolutely free student m odels. You're all ready for fifth grade and are certain to have a wonderful year! The Tried and True Method for Personal Essay Samples 4th Grade in Step by Step Detail It's wise that you understand how to compose an expository essay thesis statement so as to deliver outstanding essay papers. Revise the thesis In order to make sure that the essay expresses what you have to discuss in the essay, it is essential that you revisit the thesis. The last portion of your expository essay should not have any new ideas. A personal narrative essay is just one of the greatest tools to stop social issues which are frequently disregarded. In the event you may require assistance on the best way to compose an expository essay thesis statement, simply speak to us. If you're stuck with your assignment and have opted to purchase your essay online, then this report can help you decide how you're able to choose a business best suited to your requirements and how you're able to avoid scam essay writing companies. In the subsequent section, you will see guidelines and examples to help you in writing thesis statements for various kinds of essay papers. Research on the topic of the essay The simplest way whereby you're able to acquire sufficient information for crafting the thesis statement is research. Without evidence your claims may be dismissed. Therefore, you can develop your knowledge about it. There are lots of reference materials accessible to compose a law assignment. Keep away from vague statements and just concentrate on the basis of the paper.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Douglas Monroys Thrown Among Strangers The Making of...

Douglas Monroys Thrown Among Strangers: The Making of Mexican Culture in Frontier California When Spaniards colonized California, they invaded the native Indians with foreign worldviews, weapons, and diseases. The distinct regional culture that resulted from this union in turn found itself invaded by Anglo-Americans with their peculiar social, legal, and economic ideals. Claiming that differences among these cultures could not be reconciled, Douglas Monroy traces the historical interaction among them in Thrown Among Strangers: The Making of Mexican Culture in Frontier California. Beginning with the missions and ending in the late 1800s, he employs relations of production and labor demands as a framework to explain the†¦show more content†¦The Indians fused the material and spiritual into one existence and conceived time and life as cyclical. Culture was reproduced over and over because ?the individual has had no freedom to act in ways different from those of the ancestors.?(11) They are portrayed without history, and he later concludes that ?entrance into histo ry killed them?(282), implying that history is a European phenomenon. Rice, on the other hand, states: California?s Indians are popularly viewed as static remnants of ancient Stone-Age peoples. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Before and after the advent of whites in their lands, native cultures constantly changed and adapted to shifting social and ecological conditions. (Rice, 31) Denying a group their own history subtly, yet dangerously, produces formation of the ?other.? Monroy contradicts himself by writing, ?Unbeknownst to most Europeans, the natives they encountered varied more widely that did the different European people themselves.?(6) They spoke between sixty-four and eighty different languages (Rice, 32). Surely such a diverse group of people could not have developed without changing and adapting to specific areas or circumstances. The Spanish philosophy of colonization entailed military regulation and religious conversion at the missions. According to Monroy, more women than men were attracted to the missions because they were oppressed in Indian society. ?We see here how the power

Monday, December 9, 2019

The World Of Pope free essay sample

# 8217 ; s Satires Essay, Research Paper Despite the fact that Pope made most of his money from subscriptions to his Classical interlingual renditions, it is for his crisp and farinaceous sarcasms that he is best remembered and rightly revered. It is these that proved most entertaining and that, in literature, remained pertinent personal histories of societal history. During the Restoration and eighteenth Century sarcasm was a popular generic pick for those authors who wanted to go through remark on some issue of modern-day life whilst still practising their art. By definition sarcasm is # 338 ; the usage of ridicule, sarcasm, irony etc. in address or composing for the apparent intent of exposing and detering frailty or folly # 185 ; . Satire is so needfully didactic because its purpose is to realine its mark with a peculiar ideal from which the ironist believes it to hold strayed. This definition entirely though is non plenty to assist us specify and analyze why Pope delighted in this peculiar genre and why he used it as a vehicle for his political and moral beliefs. Satire is distinguishable from pure didacticism because of its ability to entertain ; Complaint and learning entirely # 8230 ; make non themselves make satire # 8230 ; sarcasm at all degrees must entertain every bit good as attempt to act upon behavior # 8230 ; ( by ) the joy of hearing a farce, a antic inversion of the existent universe. An inversion such as the kingdom of the Queen of Dullness in the Dunciad. Likewise Pope makes it clear that what he writes is non slander or parody, which is what litters the texts of the Grub Street authors, and which he attacks in The Dunciad with the lines, # 338 ; # 8221 ; Here strip, my kids! here at one time leap in, /Here turn out who best can dart through midst and thin, /And who the most in love of soil excel, # 185 ; ( II 275-7 ) . He makes his sentiment all the way on this in the lines ; There is non in the universe a greater Mistake than that which Fools are so disposed to fall into, and Knaves with good ground to promote, the mis interpretation of a Satyrist for a libeller ; wheras to a true satyrist nil is so abominable as a libeller, for the same ground as to a adult male genuinely Virtuous nil is so hateful as a dissembler. In 1725 Pope wrote to his eminent friend Swift, of his desire for his continuing poesy to be a, # 338 ; utile probe of my ain districts # 8230 ; .something domestic, tantrum for my ain state, and for my ain clip ; # 185 ; This definition could use to many types of plants and it is possible that he was mentioning to the heroic poem he had ever wanted to compose, merely as Virgil had written the Aeneid to transfuse a sense of nationalism in his people, or like Milton whose Paradise Lost explained the # 338 ; ways of God to work forces # 185 ; . However satires, in which he excelled, proved to be an first-class contemplation of the moral and societal climates of England in the 1730s. Rather than a purely historical history, a sarcasm is a good illustration of personal modern-day expe rience within any given historical period. It is evidently biased because it is imbued with sentiment, but it is this that gives us insight into a piece of modern-day life, so seeing how the larger societal and political intrigues turned the illumination cogs of the people.Pope was loath to go forth his place as a literary poet and bend to satire. In his Epistle to Dr Arbuthnot Pope claimed that he had resisted the aggravation of reacting to defame directed at him until the publication of the Dunciad, # 338 ; Full ten old ages slandered, did he once answer? # 185 ; ( l 374 ) . However throughout his full literary calling Pope was the topic of changeless literary onslaught. So much so that the organic structure of critical literature against him was sufficient to gain itself the name # 338 ; Popiana # 185 ; . These onslaughts were mostly in the signifier of booklets. Pamphleteering in the Eighteenth century was a inexpensive and effectual manner of making a big audience frequentl y with topical and controversial issues. Those apt Torahs that did be were seldom brought into drama over personal onslaughts and so the people who wrote them stood to gain financially without the hazard of legal action. Pamphleteering was one of the main employments of the Grub Street drudges. Grub Street was a topographic point, as Dr Johnson kindly put it # 338 ; much inhabited by authors of little histories, lexicons and impermanent poems. # 185 ; , and these dwellers were less sympathetically described by Richard Savage as # 338 ; of really low Parenthood, and without any Pretence of Merit, ( are ) draw a bead oning to the Rank of Gentlemen, # 185 ; . The possible causes for assailing Pope were many fold. Let us look at some of those grounds and some of Pope # 185 ; s satirical responses. Pope # 185 ; s early success and richness, in malice of malformations and irrespective of his irregular political and spiritual inclinations, was plenty in itself to gall those hack auth ors whose custodies were tied to the pens of their publishing houses. Pope had managed to crush the booksellers at their ain game, doing a luck from subscriptions to his Classical interlingual renditions, a thing which provided much fresh fish for the pamphleteers. Booklets dealt with inquiries from Pope # 185 ; s cognition of Greek, # 338 ; If I did non understand Greek, what of that ; I hope a Man may interpret a Grecian Writer without understanding Greek, # 185 ; , to criticisms over his continued fiscal return from revised editions in a line such as, # 338 ; And all your awards from Subscriptions grew: # 185 ; . All these kinds of onslaught were mostly fueled by the enviousness over the fact that Pope # 185 ; s interlingual renditions freed him from the kind of literary work that the drudges were destined to transport out. Their kind of support was brightly described by Richard Savage in his competently titled An Writer to be Lett of 1729. This is the narrative of a fabric ated Grub Street author Iscariot Hackney who works for the existent life bookseller Edmund Curll. His work under this adult male is described therefore ; # 338 ; Twas in his service that I wrote Obscenity and Profaneness, under the Names of Pope and Swift. Sometimes I was Mr.Joseph Gay, # 8230 ; ..I abridg # 185 ; vitamin D Histories and Travels, translated from the Gallic, what they neer wrote, and was expert at happening out new Titles for old Books # 8230 ; # 185 ; As the drudges saw it, Pope was an foreigner to this kind of indigence and was alternatively traveling in fecund political and literary circles backed by the support of many flush work forces such as Bolingbroke and Swift. The axiom that you had to be celebrated before you could be successful was one of which many drudges were cognizant and to them it would look that Pope was non roped in to this syrupy circle. As Johnson said in his Life of Richard Savage, the drudge Ate # 338 ; merely when he was invited to the tabular arraies of his familiarities, from which the beastliness of his frock frequently excluded him, # 185 ; . However what Johnson besides said of Savage # 185 ; s endowment did non needfully keep for all drudge authors, On a majority, in a basement, or in a glass-house among stealers and mendicants, was to be found the writer of The Wanderer, # 8230 ; the adult male whose comments on life might hold assisted the solon, # 8230 ; whose fluency might hold influenced senates # 8230 ; If this had been the instance Pope might hold been more sympathetic. Many drudges chose to believe that Pope was roasting poorness, with lines such as # 338 ; supperless # 185 ; hero, ( I 115 ) , and retorted, # 338 ; as if the privation of a Dinner made a adult male a Fool, or Riches and good Sence merely kept company. # 185 ; Alternatively it was his ain staunch rules sing the responsibility of the writer to distribute cultural tradition or to keep a critical mirror up to a pervert society a nd so on, that meant he abhorred the sort of inexpensive slander and titillation which characterized Grub Street news media. It was the fact that many of the authors in Grub Street should neer hold chosen a literary career in the first topographic point, and if we take the clip to look at how Colly Cibber, or Bayes in the Dunciad, became a supperless hero, we see that his pick of career is non made out of enthusiasm but out of necessity ; Swearing and supperless the Hero sate, Blasphem # 185 ; d the Gods, the Dice, and darn # 185 ; d his Fate. Then gnaw # 185 ; d his pen, so dart # 185 ; d it on the land, droping from thought to believe, a huge profound! Plung # 185 ; vitamin D for his sense, but found no underside at that place, Yet wrote and stagger # 185 ; vitamin D on, in mere desperation. ( I 115-20 ) Furthermore the drudges unfavorable judgment of Pope on this subject, and their failure to hold on his point, merely farther supports his belief that they had no construct o f good literature. The drudge author # 185 ; s inclination to plagiarise and to manufacture and his love of exaggeration were tactics that offended Pope # 185 ; s really raison vitamin D # 185 ; etre. The motivation for these tactics are nicely explained by the drudge author Ned Ward ; I borrowed my method from our Moorfield # 185 ; s magicians, who use their extreme art to set on a awful visage, that everybody that gazes on their exteriors may believe the Satan is in them ; and they doubtless find it a utile policy, for I have normally observed, that he thrives best, and has his door most crowded, that can look the most atrocious. The consequences were mostly empty promises of something antic and in themselves unsubstantial and weak. The formats in which these sorts of Hagiographas flourished saturated the literary universe doing it easy to vent personal colics in the imperativeness. All these things provided Pope with ample aggravation to compose antiphonal and frequently defe nsive sarcasm. The Dunciad is the best known and most comprehensive onslaught on these issues. The drudges cry # 338 ; The more we rail, the more bespatter, / # 185 ; Twill do our booklets sell the better. # 185 ; , was rightly answered by the clay catapulting scene in Book II of the Dunciad. Pope is likewise critical of the huge range of cheap pamphlets and periodicals that delighted in such scandal and gossip, which he again attacks in the Dunciad; Hence miscellanies spring, the weekly boast Of Curll?s chaste press, and Lintot?s rubric post: Hence hyming Tyburn?s elegaic lines, Hence Journals, Medleys, Merc?ries, Magazines: Sepulchrul lies, our holy walls to grace, (I 39-43) Pope further presses this point when, within the footnotes of the Dunciad he has his fictitious critic Martin Scriblerus comment on the word ?Magazines?; Miscellanies in prose and verse, in which at some times – new born nonsense is first taught to cry; at others, dead – born Dullness appears in a thousand shapes. These were thrown out weekly and monthly by every miserable scribbler; or picked up piece-meal and stolen from anybody, under the title of papers, essays, queries, verses, epigrams, riddles, etc. equally the disgrace of human wit, morality, and decency. The freque nt unauthorized use of an author?s name to sell literature in Grub Street was a charge answered by Pope in the line, ?Curll stretches after Gay, but Gay is gone,/He grasps an empty Joseph for a John:? (II 127-8), after Curll reportedly affixed the name J Gay to cheap texts in an attempt to pass them off as those of the respected John Gay. The preposterous antics of booksellers in this scene is a pertinent satirical attack on the immoral behavior of this financially driven occupation. A similar charge is answered in Pope?s A Full and True Account of a Horrid and Barbarous Revenge by poison, on the Body of Mr Edmund curll, Bookseller. In this Pope poisons Curll and then has him beg forgiveness for ?those indirect methods I have pursued in inventing new titles to old books, putting authors names to things they never saw,?. Pope?s attack of the hack writers in the Dunciad immortalized many otherwise unremarkable men, just as Swift had warned him it would. In his Life of Pope Johnson ask ed the critical question ?for whom did it concern to know that one or the other scribbler was a dunce. The fact was that although the naming names that went on was an integral part of the satirical machinations of the Dunciad, the names themselves were endlessly translatable because the criticism is not so much of individuals as of their principles and the types of writing to which those authors subscribe. The changes Pope made to the first edition of the Dunciad is testimony to this fact. For example book I line 256 of the Dunciad Variorum reads ?†God save King Tibbald!† Grubstreet allies roar†?, and focuses on Theobald, Popes real life enemy. The equivalent line in the final version of 1743 reads ?†God save King Colley!† Drury Lane replies:? (I 322). What we see then is that nearly fifteen years on Pope managed to alter the victim and setting of his satire without greatly changing the focus of his criticism – the Grub Street ideology. It is sig nificant to note that a writer such as Gissing in his New Grub Street in 1891 has dispensed with the procedure of alluding to real people because it supports the idea that Pope and Gissing, and any others who have addressed this same topic, were not solely interested in personal attack but in a critique of the Grub Street ethic. It is probably true to say that the source of these battles between Grub Street and Pope was an economic and classed based one. In the Dunciad Pope?s refers to ?that area?, (II 27). The place he means is the area surrounding St Mary le Strand, which was becoming known as a residency for people in the literary ?trade? such as Curll and Tonson. What Pope is actually alluding to is the gradual encroachment of poor quality literature, and what it stood for, into the bounds of Westminster, the seat of the aristocracy. As George Gissing was to say over two hundred years later, the problem that true literary artists had with hack writing was that it made ?a trade o f art!?. This is part of a bigger issue that fueled the fire of the pamphlet wars and Pope?s responsive satire: Pope?s political and religious bias and his social standing. As we have already discussed, the zeitgeist of Grub Street was commercial success. Given the sway of the government at this time, in many ways this was a political issue. From 1721 to 1742 Robert Walpole, as the First Lord of the Treasury and Chancellor of the Exchequer, was effectively England?s first Prime Minister. As a Whig leader he opposed the succession of James Duke of York on the grounds that he was a Catholic. Moreover the Whigs represented the desires of the industrialists and resented the elitism of the aristocracy, represented by the Tories. Although we must avoid sweeping generalizations, it would be broadly true to say that most of Grub Street was Whig because of its practical and commercial nature, and that Pope was most definitely a Tory and a Catholic, (a fact for which his name provided much am usement). Pope was thus criticized again for making too much money, fraternizing with the aristocracy and the Tories and, to add insult to injury, took all this for granted. Pope?s Epistle to Richard Boyle, Earl of Burlington , for example outraged the critics because of Pope?s ostensible ingratitude to Duke Chandos, who many believed was the model for the tasteless Timon and his seat which Popes leaves, Treated, caressed, and tired, I take my leave, Sick of his civil pride from morn to eve; I curse such lavish cost, and little skill, And swear no day was ever passed so ill. (165-8)Pope denied the charge that Timon was infact Chandos, but the critics were adamant. One article tells the story of how Pope had asked Chandos for a subscription of one guinea and how, after Chandos had given him five hundred pounds ? †¦the Wretch, who is a Composition o f Peevishness, Spleen, and Envy, †¦.in a few Years after,..publishes a Satire, as he terms it, but in Reality it is an Infamous and Scandalous Libel,..? Pope earned himself the reputation for being precocious and self satisfied, ?Alexander Pope, keeper of the Profound, Vicar of the Dunciad; Blunder-Master-General of Dramatic Poetry, Lord Paramount wou?d-be of Mount Parnassus†¦?. As a result many attacks were reduced to base lampoon, focusing on his deformities. It would be difficult to ever ascertain how much of Pope?s satire was motivated by personal injury and how much was written in an effort to rectify moral degeneracy in general. However it would be naive to assume that attacks such as the one by Lady Mary Montague did not cut Pope?s self esteem; Like the first bold Assassin?s be thy Lot, Ne?er be thy Guilt forgiven, or forgot; But as thou hate?st, be hated by Mankind, And with the Emblem of thy crooked Mind, Mark?d on thy Back, like Cain, by God?s own Hand, Wander like him, accursed through the Land. We might find Pope?s true response to attacks such as these in the lines, ?The Muse but served to ease some friend, not wife,/To help me through this long disease, my life,? There are hints at what must have seemed like injustices in society to Pope throughout his texts. For example in the reference in An Epistle to Lord Bathurst to the Monument in London which was erected in memory of the Great Fire and inscribed with the assertion that it was begun by the Papists: Pope describes it standing ?Like a tall bully,? (340). In the Advertisement at the beginning of Epistle to Dr Arbuthnot Pope quite explictly states his irritation at these kinds of personal attack on, ?my person, morals, and family, whereof to those who know me not, a truer information may be requisite.? The lamentable state of contemporary English Society, which Pope felt had become morally degenerate as a result of the temptations of vice, was sufficient to prompt a response from Pope. At the end of his Epilogue to the Satires: Dialogue One, he comments on just this; In golden chains the willing world she draws,/A nd hers the gospel is, and hers the laws,/Mounts the tribunal, lifts her scarlet head,/And sees pale Virtue carted in her stead./Lo! at the wheels of her triumphal car,/Old England?s genius, rough with many a scar,/Dragged in the dust! his arms hang idly round/His flag inverted trails along the ground!/Our youth, all liveried o?er with foreign gold,/Before her dance: behind her, crawl the old!/See thronging millions to the pagod run,/And offer country, parent, wife or son!/Hear her black trumpet through the land proclaim,/That ?not to be corrupted is the shame?†¦. Yet may this verse (if such a verse remain)/Show, there was one who held it in disdain. (147-172) In short things conspired to prompt Pope to turn to satire, a genre in which he would endeavour ?to correct the taste of the town in wit and criticism.? Despite Swift?s warning that in exposing the follies of his enemies, Pope may cement their place in history saying, ?and as to the difference between good and bad fame, i t is a perfect trifle? , Pope?s response was one of defiance, ?I think a bright author should put an end to slanders only as the sun does to stinks – by shinning out exhale them to nothing.? Thus, quite apart from letting these matters go, it seemed almost an obligation to Pope to expose the vice and poor taste of his enemies, and in doing so treat them to an example of elegant rhetoric in the form of a satire.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

The Impact Of Racial Thought On The Aboriginal People In Relation To Australian History

Introduction From as early as the early 18th century to date, Australia has had to deal with numerous cases of racism especially with regards to the aboriginal people. What once started as a simple way to describe the rather â€Å"absurd† behavior of the aboriginal people has radically evolved into a monster that constantly preys on the societal cohesion in Australia (Anderson and Perrin, 2007, p.19).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Impact Of Racial Thought On The Aboriginal People In Relation To Australian History specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More As of today, there are countless cases of murder, rape, social injustices, maiming in Australia (especially from Aboriginal people towards the whites) in retaliation to their ostensibly unsolved maltreatments of that dates back to the 1800 (Lehmann, 2006). So how did Australia end up with the sky-rocketing numbers of racial-based killings and injustices to th e point of such atrocities being regarded as â€Å"normal† by its residents? According to Anderson and Perrin (2007, p.19), Human beings were primarily considered as being a united entity with the term race being used to refer to nations or tribes. Consequently, race was representative of human beings in general or a subdivision of humans in different places. However, in the early 18th century, different people began exhibited different patterns of behavior. As a result, the bond that was perceived to be holding human beings, which in fact accorded them the title of ‘race’—started weakening with people beginning to reclassify themselves into groups based on their skin color, tribal and ethnic backgrounds, socio-economic activities and even political groupings. By the second half of the 19th century, race was no longer a term reserved for the human beings as a whole entity as it used to be, it became a word that was used for segregation purposes by one grou p of people who felt superior to the others (p. 19-p.20). Preliminary overview of racial thought on the aboriginal people in relations to Australian history It is also around this time that different researchers, colonialists and political scientists began to take notice of the Aboriginal people in Australia. Apart from their multicolored skin that made them stand out above the native white people of Australia, the Aboriginals had a rather absurd way of life which had never been witnessed before. Right from their shanty living conditions, non participation in crop and animal farming(which were the main economic activity in Australia), shying away from mingling with the general public and unwillingness to embrace civilization and modernization (in spite of several pleas from the Australian government); the aboriginals made it very difficult for others not to look at them differently. To this effect, Anderson and Perrin (2007, p.21) vocalize the concerns of most researchers at that ti me by saying that: The Aborigines’ utter lack of development posed a fundamental challenge to the assumption of human unity. â€Å"In so far as the Aborigine could not be assimilated to the conception of race as a subdivision, or mere variety of the human, the elaboration of polygenism in the mid nineteenth century can be understood as a reaction to this crisis†.(Lehmann, 2006).Advertising Looking for essay on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Additionally, even from the philosophical and biblical perspective, being human meant the capacity to improve your environment and the noteworthy efforts that a person makes towards improving his/her environment while also having a sense of religious belief. This, however, was not the case of the Aboriginals who arguably did nothing to better their environment. It is based on these precepts that the whites in Australia, together with many other people from other coun tries, started looking down upon the Aboriginals and in turn, the abstract concept Racism got life in the heart of Australia (Anderson and Perrin, 2007, p.19-25). Impact of the Racial thought of Aboriginal people in Australia Once the whites began viewing the aboriginal people on racial lines, the once relatively peaceful Australia turned into a chaotic nation with constant cases of face-offs between the two opposing sides. In addition, the general public also began to feel the heat as it was no longer safe just to mingle with anybody—especially the whites and the multicolored people (Anderson and Perrin, 2007, p.19-24). Moreover, the concept of racism further moved into other countries and translated into general viewing of multi-colored people (especially blacks) as being inferior to the white people. As a results, the whites were able to get a lion’s share of anything that was under contention; be it leadership positions, economic privileges, better housing and educ ation systems, better healthcare and even being able to easily win court cases(Anderson and Perrin, 2007, p.21-23). It is also from here that terms like â€Å"negro† (which is used to offensively refer to blacks) came into existence. There were also more pronounced cases of the aboriginals being branded abusive and derogative names which greatly affected their self esteem thus overall well being. Anderson and Perrin (2007, p.21) explicate this by saying that â€Å"The miserable condition of Australia’s Aborigines led the evolutionists to consider them as representative of the earliest stage of human evolution.† This is probably the reason why Lord Monbodo is quoted insultingly referring to them as â€Å"Man in his original form† as he mockingly describes their poor living conditions (p.22).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Impact Of Racial Thought On The Aboriginal People In Relation To Australian History specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Additionally, the racial thoughts hindered or, rather, slowed down the colonial conquests that were aimed at Australia since the Aboriginals greatly opposed any form of white-man leadership. This resistance was also witnessed by the white missionaries who tried to convert them into Christianity. Moreover, most of the aboriginals had Indian origin thus believed in polytheism rather than Christianity. It was only until the 20th century that the missionaries began to get a hearing from the multicolored people. A more devastating impact witnessed because of the racial thoughts was untimely deaths. At some point during the duel, the aboriginals were said being in the verge of extinction. This was mainly because most of them died due to poor health facilities, malnutrition, and deaths resulting from sporadic gang wars with the whites (Anderson and Perrin, 2007, p.33). This is probably the reason why, to date, the aboriginals are st ill seeking revenge. Additionally, the racial thoughts slowed down the pace of development and industrialization in Australia since most people wasted most of their time fighting rather than spending it in bettering their lives and building the country. This was further accentuated by the fact that during the conflict, a lot of valuable resources got destroyed by the opposing sides. By the time the Whites and the multicolored groups woke up to the reality that their conflict was just a mere waste of time, most of the countries were already way ahead of them in terms of technological advancements and economic strength. On a positive note though, it is inherent to note that the Australian government has been on the forefront of trying to mitigate the racial thoughts. However, there is still more that needs to be done if this issue is to be circumspectly finished. Conclusion In spite of the aboriginal racialism having been greatly stemmed out radically over the recent past (as partly a forementioned); its meandering roots are still strongly intertwined in the social fabric of Australia. This is the reason why Lehmann (2006), in his report â€Å"Racist attacks increase† talks of Aboriginals and whites still fighting each other. So if a lasting solution is to be found for this problem, then, elementarily, then a cumulative effort from the government and people is direly required. Correcting the racial ills done in the past would be a good start for here. Of course this might take a while, but it will eventually pay off invaluably to all of us. An apt example here is South Africa that currently enjoys a relatively peaceful environment after having made reconciliatory talks between the blacks and whites. This came about as a collective effort of South Africans so as to do away with the haunting ghosts of the pronounced era of apartheid. From that time onwards, many others countries and regions have been able to follow in those footsteps; and bountifully reaped from the peace found thereof.Advertising Looking for essay on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Finally, let us all remember that real change begins with you and me; So however little positive effort we make, it will all be to our own betterment and to the best interest of those around us. More aptly put in the word of the famous philosopher Goethe, â€Å"Let everyone sweep in front of his own door and the whole world will be clean!† References Anderson, K and Perrin, C (2007) The Miserablest People in the World’: Race, Humanism and the Australian Aborigine. Centre for Cultural Research, University of Western Sydney. Lehmann, M. (2006) Racist attacks on the increase: Aboriginal gangs terrorize whites. Australian News.com. Web. This essay on The Impact Of Racial Thought On The Aboriginal People In Relation To Australian History was written and submitted by user Vihaan Wilkinson to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

autobiograpy of Black boy essays

autobiograpy of Black boy essays The novel Black Boy, written by Richard Wright takes you back in the deep south of Jackson, Mississippi where whites attempted to tame into submission blacks by hard discipline. It seemed that the more Richard had gained in life, the more he was hurt. Richard was alienated from his environment, even though he tried to distance himself from the prejudice all around him, the white people still tried to turn him into the stereotypical southern black person. Richard was always a rebel, from his boyhood to his older teenage years. From the beginning he would not subdue below the white man himself like the other black people around him did. The white people around him knew that he was different from other black men. The people were scared because he challenged the system that they had created for themselves as the super power. They feared Richard, and some of the white people felt it necessary to act out their racist feelings to order to cover up their fear. Their were many events in Richard Wrights life which may have shaped his philosophy of his life. In the novel, the principal at Richards school had asked Richard to give a speech to a large audience of white and black students, Richard refused to read the principals prepared speech. By reading the principals speech, Richard was saying what the white power wanted him to say and to Richard this would be giving in to the thing he hated so much. Richard was willing to leave school without a diploma instead of this. White people alienated Richard from his environment because he did not accept the way of life that other black people did. This even that occurred in his life, shaped his philosophy on life, extremely, this told people that he would have his mind set on one thing and concentrate on that, to achieve his goal, in other words he had a hard head and no one could persuade or change his mind o...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Facts, Geography About the West African Nation of Ghana

Facts, Geography About the West African Nation of Ghana Ghana is a country located in western Africa on the Gulf of Guinea. The country is known for being the second largest producer of cocoa in the world as well as its incredible ethnic diversity. Ghana currently has more than 100 different ethnic groups in its population of just over 24 million. History of Ghana Ghanas history prior to the 15th century is concentrated primarily on oral traditions. However, it is believed that people may have inhabited what is present-day Ghana from about 1500 BCE. European contact with Ghana began in 1470. In 1482, the Portuguese built a trading settlement there. Shortly thereafter for three centuries, the Portuguese, English, Dutch, Danes, and Germans all controlled different parts of the coast. In 1821, the British took control of all of the trading posts located on the Gold Coast. From 1826 to 1900, the British then fought battles against the native Ashanti and in 1902, the British defeated them and claimed the northern part of todays Ghana. In 1957, after a plebiscite in 1956, the United Nations determined that the territory of Ghana would become independent and combined with another British territory, British Togoland, when the entire Gold Coast became independent. On March 6, 1957, Ghana became independent after the British gave up control of the Gold Coast and the Ashanti, the Northern Territories Protectorate and British Togoland. Ghana was then taken as the legal name for the Gold Coast after it was combined with British Togoland in that year. Following its independence, Ghana underwent several reorganizations that caused the country to be divided into 10 different regions. Kwame Nkrumah was the first prime minister and president of modern Ghana and he had goals of unifying Africa as well as freedom and justice and equality in education for all. His government, however, was overthrown in 1966. Instability was then a major part of Ghanas government from 1966 to 1981, as several government overthrows occurred. In 1981, Ghanas constitution was suspended and political parties were banned. This later caused the countrys economy to decline and many people from Ghana migrated to other countries.By 1992, a new constitution was adopted, the government began to regain stability, and the economy started to improve. Today, Ghanas government is relatively stable and its economy is growing. Government of Ghana Ghanas government today is considered a constitutional democracy with an executive branch made up of a chief of state and a head of government filled by the same person. The legislative branch is a unicameral Parliament while its judicial branch is made up of the Supreme Court. Ghana is also still divided into 10 regions for local administration: Ashanti, Brong-Ahafo, Central, Eastern, Greater Accra, Northern, Upper East, Upper West, Volta, and Western. Economics and Land Use in Ghana Ghana currently has one of the strongest economies of West Africas countries due to its richness of natural resources. These include gold, timber, industrial diamonds, bauxite, manganese, fish, rubber, hydropower, petroleum, silver, salt, and limestone. However, Ghana remains dependent on international and technical assistance for its continued growth. The country also has an agriculture market that produces things like cocoa, rice, and peanuts, while its industries are focused on mining, lumber, food processing, and light manufacturing. Geography and Climate of Ghana Ghanas topography consists mainly of low plains but its south-central area does have a small plateau. Ghana is also home to Lake Volta, the worlds largest artificial lake. Because Ghana is only a few degrees north of the Equator, its climate is considered tropical. It has a wet and dry season but it is mainly warm and dry in the southeast, hot and humid in the southwest and hot and dry in the north. More Facts About Ghana Capital: AccraBordering Countries: Burkina Faso, Cote dIvoire, TogoLand Area: 92,098 square miles (238,533 sq km)Coastline: 335 miles (539 km)Highest Point: Mount Afadjato at 2,887 feet (880 m)Ghana has 47 local languages but English is its official language.Association football or soccer is the most popular sport in Ghana and the country regularly participates in the World Cup.Ghanas life expectancy is 59 years for males and 60 years for females. References CIA - The World Factbook - Ghana. Central Intelligence Agency, May 2010.ï » ¿Ghana. United States Department of State, March 2010.Ghana: History, Geography, Government, and Culture. Infoplease.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Research Topics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Research Topics - Essay Example ere must be adequate market study to identify the specific needs of customers and innovatively deliver products and services that meet identified needs. Diversifying production means that the company will acquire new markets, reinforce the existing ones and also have a backup plan in case one business venture fails. Companies that rely on only one product are at risk of succumbing to market pressure and have no alternative in case of business uncertainty. This paper aims at exploring the identifiable advantages that are associated with diversifying production. By focusing on Outsurge Company, the paper will outline the perceived opportunities for diversity in the technology industry. This will be through a review of literature concerning production diversification and making a comparison between Outsurge and other technological companies. Results of this will be identification of advantages of diversity in production and hence the ways forward for a company like Outsurge. Diversity is a tool for success in any form of business that deals with production. According to Cornell and Thomas (2013), it not only scale up the company’s financial strength but also significantly contribute to the performance and hence market relevance. This project will use the theory of production which explains the principles that a business use to decide how much of each of their commodities they will put into the market and how much input they have to consider. The paper will also connect diversity to the theory of cost and production functions in order to link the basis for decision making in production and product diversity. According to a report by USDA in 2001, diversification helps explain the differences in variability level of income among different firms. Ivanova (2011) said production of multiple outputs helps in increasing sales and consequently the economic performance. This fact does not only apply to big production firms or agricultural production companies; it is also

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

EXAM 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

EXAM 2 - Essay Example The process comprises of three, which include procedural due process, substantive due process and equation protection of law (Hunter 34). Due process aids in protecting the accused from denied his or her primary rights without undergoing impartial and adequate informed legal process. These rights encompass those related to liberty, life and property (Hunter 35). Hence, prevent influential people from using state’s powers given by constitution as a platform to the disadvantage of fellow citizens. In addition, it plays an indispensable role in granting the accused to defend oneself according to the law and for the court to hear his or her plea as well as argument concerning presented charges. Consequently, leading to a fair judgment without the court favoring any of the sides especially the accused because prosecution cites the convicted has done an intolerable wrongdoing. The essence of due process also prompts masses to have confidence and trust with the judicial system as well as other regime institutions because one is sure he or she will receive fair

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Controversies as a Result of the Alien and Sedition Acts Essay Example for Free

Controversies as a Result of the Alien and Sedition Acts Essay In the late 1700s and into the early 1800s, large controversies over the Alien and the Sedition Acts, containing four bills, took place. Some of the controversies included immigration, slander and libel of the government, and states’ rights. While the controversy set the stage for Jefferson’s election, it also left some in tense and unsettled states. The Alien and Sedition Acts brought many disagreements upon the states. The Acts had two bills that seemed to stand out most among the government. The second bill of the Alien and Sedition Acts gave the President power to deport â€Å"all such aliens as he shall judge dangerous to the peace and safety of the United Stats. † Just before the Acts were created, President George Washington wrote to the Vice-President John Adams in 1794 of his believe that immigrants brought with them not only their language, but their habits and formal morals too. Later, he goes on to say, that this is not particularly a bad thing because as time goes on, as generations grow, all people will become one. Just before that though, in 1785, Thomas Jefferson had made close to the same note, but a bit different. He believed it would be a miracle for the morals and beliefs of the immigrants to halt in changing at the exact point of liberty. He believed that infusing the aliens into our United States would create a â€Å"heterogeneous, incoherent, distracted mass. † Altogether, immigration was an extremely controversial topic. Each person had their own opinion, especially the rising parties who seemed to almost separate the nation more. While the Acts had allowed the President this power, it also prohibited the slander of libel of the President or any other part of the government. It seems to almost be a coincidence. After this was passed, Federalist prosecutors arrested more than twenty Republican newspaper editors and politicians. The Federalists had accused them of sedition, and convicted and jailed a number of them. Many believed that this part of the Sedition Act was against the First Amendment that forbade the †abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press. † As a matter of fact, the Republicans actually tried to charge the Sedition Act as a violation of the First Amendment, although it did not appeal to the Supreme Court. This was because the Court was not sure how to review the case considering the board was made up of mostly Federalists. Jefferson sent a letter to Francis Hopkinson of Pennsylvania clearing up a rumor that he was a Federalist. He states that he â€Å"never submitted the whole system of (his) opinions to the creed of any party of men whatever in religion, in philosophy, in politics, or in anything else where I was capable of thinking for myself. † Last, but definitely not least, was the issue of whether or not the states had a right to judge the Constitution. After the Republicans tried to charge the Sedition Acts as a violation against the Constitution, Madison and Jefferson looked to the state legislature which led to their declaring the Alien and Sedition Acts to be â€Å"unauthoritative, void, and of no force. This resolution set forth a states’ rights interpretation of the Constitution, asserting that the states had a â€Å"right to judge† the legitimacy of national laws. Albert Gallatin, a Democratic-Republican congressman from Pennsylvania, made a speech in the House of Representatives on the proposed Sedition Act wherein he stated, â€Å"The only evidences brought by the supporters of this bill consist of writings expressing an opinion that certain measures of government have been dictated by an unwise policy, or by improper motives, and that some of them are unconstitutional. The Alien and Sedition Acts caused many controversies. The controversies led to many letters and arguments with the government. With this being said, the major problems seem to have been the topics of immigration, slander and libel of the government, and states’ rights. Although, after these controversies developed over the Acts, the Acts were then rethought. It is often wondered, even now, why the Alien and Sedition Acts were ever passed in the first place.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Benefits of Sin Revealed in Nathaniel Hawthornes The Scarlet Lette

The Benefits of Sin Revealed in The Scarlet Letter      Ã‚  Ã‚   According to Nathaniel Hawthorne in The Scarlet Letter, each of us is born with "original sin" we have inherited from the misdeeds of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. As Eve bit hungrily into the apple from the Tree of Knowledge, starving for wisdom, little did she know that the entire human race would thereafter be tainted by her "sin." Hawthorne and many others believe that ever since, human beings have been inclined to evil, more likely to disobey than to act in a godly manner. This is a faithless, cynical view of humanity, but one perhaps justified by the actions of Hester Prynne and the Reverend Dimmesdale. Sin seems to be an inevitable factor in their lives; though they are good people, their sin boils up and nearly destroys them. Do they make a conscious choice to sin? Or does their sin simply take control, as it is bound to do in all human beings? Perhaps this leads to a greater question of fate and free will, but in the end, the one thing they can really chan ge in their lives is the way they deal with sin, how they attempt to atone for it - and whether they view the affair they had as sinful in the first place.    Puritan society in the Massachusetts Bay Colony was a system based on religion. The Bible and the law were intertwined and could not be separated, not even in the minds of the people. Therefore it was difficult to argue that there were any laws at all that were worth having, if they were not spelled out explicitly in the Bible. Hester had committed adultery and given birth to a bastard child, and there it was, in the Ten Commandments: Thou shalt not commit adultery. And so she was punished. The Puritans nodded and were satisfied, comfortabl... ...., C.E. Frazer, ed. The Nathaniel Hawthorne Journal 1975. Englewood: Indian Head, 1975. Coxe, Rev. Arthur Cleveland. "The Writings of Hawthorne." Church Review 3 (1851): 489-511. Gartner, Matthew. "The Scarlet Letter and the Book of Esther: Scriptural Letter and Narrative Life." Studies in American Fiction (1995): 131-144. Hawthorne, J. (1886, April). "The Scarlet Letter." The Atlantic Monthly [On-line], pp. 1-20. Available: http://wwww.theatlantic.com/unbound/classrev/scarlet.html Hawthorne, Nathaniel. The Scarlet Letter. New York: St. Martins, 1991. Loring, G. B. (1850). "The Scarlet Letter and Transcendentalism." Massachusetts Quarterly Review [On-line], pp. 1-6. Available: http://eldred.ne.mediaone.net/nh/loring.html Scharnhorst, Gary. The Critical Response to Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter. New York: Greenwood, 1992.   

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Dear Sahara Shadow Knights: The Unsung Hero’s

Chapter One: Sweat and Blood The stars twinkled with ferocity as I stared at them through the window of my room, the light of the moon brightened up my room with a natural glow. My face was milky white, and my armor glowed with a white aura, in this natural light show the moon provided. I sighed at the vast emptiness of space and continued to stare into the distance with the dazed stare I was all but famous for. I heard a knocking on my door that echoed throughout every corner of my room. A voice boomed out over the residual echo of the knocking â€Å"Jesse, Jess are you there, we're late for our training† I once again sighed at the deep dismal abyss that laid in front of me. I got out of my seat and stretched my arms up in the air. The voice and knocking continued â€Å"Jesse, answer me are you there!† I brought my hand to my forehead and slowly dragged it down. I replied with a hint of anger in my voice â€Å"Yes I am here, and I told you its ShadowWolf now, that is my chosen Knight name.† The voice replied with a sense of sarcasm hindering in it â€Å"Yes your knightness, but hey if you ever wish to BE one you should get you arse out here and get to the training room like we were supposed to be.† The voice stopped temporarily then flared up again with loud haste â€Å"Ten minutes ago!!! the master will be very angry!† The voice stopped and the silence was quickly followed by hard sound of hollow foot steps running down the hall. I made my way to the door slowly, whistling a low and sweet and sweet tune that matched perfectly with the milky white light that softly filled the room. I pressed the button and the door flew open with a loud swhooch. The sound echoed down the empty metal halls. I stepped forward down the hall with the carefree speed of a child going to school. My long journey down the metal halls had brought me to a large grey door, above it laid ever so carefully the words â€Å"Training Room†. I pushed the door open all the time whistling the tune I had begun in my room so far back. Everyone in the room drew silent as I walked past them, a large robed man stared at me with a dismal grin of disappointment. He shook his head in a negative fashion as he said to me â€Å"Your late again, Mr Jesse. You know if you keep this up you wont reach knight level.† I looked down at my arm and brushed some dirt off my suit and replied â€Å"Sorry masters, some things came up. You know?† The master replied to me with anger â€Å"That is no excuse, if you wish to become a great knight like your father you need to straighten up, and fly right for there will be a time that comes you will wish you had.† I lowered my head in shame, and replied with sincerity â€Å"I'm sorry master, I truly am.† The master sighed and stared at me with a subsided rage â€Å"Get into position, and then we may continue.† My training ensued, numerous drills of both physical and mental variety of which left me exaughsted and sweaty. I Panted for air and rested my hands on me knees as I bent over to catch my breathe. I looked at the ground below me and the metal glistened with my sweat provided a reflection of myself. I was a young man, full bodied face with my hair auburn red, my eyes were mud brown, and my aftershave left me with a rugged look. The armor I wore was a dark black decorative vest the white flaps that came down from this vest synchronized their movements with my panting, under this was my shirt, soft and warm on the body with white scaled sleeves that reflected any light that touched their polished surface, below this was my gloves bulgy and black they stood out next to my white sleeves as a flame stands out in front of the dark, adjacent to this was my skirt it was black as space with triangles of white at the bottom and top, and it all was held together by my black boots polished to a shine that was unparalleled to others in the class. My panting continued with no end in sight, a student came behind me and slapped me on the back. â€Å"Haha, suck it up man were not even done yet.† I tried to form my words to say something ,but nothing ,but panting came out. I raised my hand and wiped the sweat from my forehead that had been dripping down forming a fairly large puddle below me. At that moment a large sound pierced my ears with the high-pitched scream that made me fall over into my puddle of sweat. I pushed my aching body up and spit on the floor as I dragged my hand over my face to get rid of the sweat. â€Å"What the heck is that† I yelled over the sound The master stared at us with serious stare, he mouth slowly opened to say â€Å"It's the alarm. We are under attack† The loud simultaneous yelp of â€Å"what† filled the room to be quickly white washed with the alarms high-pitched scream. The master slowly walked to the other side of the room where a small black box sat on the wall. The master pushed the buttons with the speed of a huurton as a section of the wall swung open to reveal an array of weapons and backpacks. â€Å"Get geared up and ready, this is what we all have been training for† His words filled the room and for a moment seemed to be the only things I could hear. I panted furiously and coughed rapidly. Rose up from my bent over position with the shaking slowness of a person that just got pummeled with a stun baton. We all ran towards the room as the alarm seemed to grow louder with each yelp. The room lay filled with Long Vibro Axes, the glare of light that reflected off of them blinded me as I slowly made my way in. I grabbed an Axe and rushed out of the room and fell back into the formation the class was in as I had entered. The sound of ion cannons and TIE engines filled the room and overpowered the alarms loud noise. The master made his way slowly across the room as if nothing was happening. The master then stopped 10 feet in front of us all and smiled with a wicked grin. He raised his arm slowly and pointed at one half of the class, he motioned them to take the exit to the right. The students did a salute and rushed out of the room, all armed with pikes and pistols. He pointed at our half now and motioned them to the left exit. He then walked towards me, he rubbed his eyes and little then set his hand on my shoulder. â€Å"Lets just hope you learned enough.† I looked at him with a confused glare, he laughed and motioned at the left exit again. I was now running down the hall the sounds of my footsteps were all but unheard under the yelp of the alarms screaming every second, my body was still aching from training, and my leg wobbly from the idea of the battle that laid ahead. My foot stumbled to the side and balance became harder to maintain, I continued running until my foot tripped over what felt like a pike. My body flew forward and spun to the side a little, my body hit the floor in one big boom, and I began to tumble forward on the ground, my pike has dislodged from my holster on impact and now spun in the air ahead of me hitting the walls causing sparks to flare in its wake. I finally stopped when I hit something, the sound of a splash boomed in my ears, my hair now filled with a cold liquid splashed. I slowly got up and grabbed the back of my head to help soften the pain that now overwhelmed me. I felt something squish in my hair as I pressed down, I quickly brought it to my face to reveal blood soaking over my hand. I quickly turned around to see a puddle of blood leading up to a stormtrooper whose neck was half way cut off. I panted fast and licked my lips, the sweat that lay dormant now began to drip into the puddle and mix with the blood, this mixture of sweat and blood made my stomach churn as it continued to spread out on the ground.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Disconnected in an Interconnected World

Disconnected in an Interconnected World Danielle Searle In a world filled with interactivity and interconnectedness, how is it possible to be so disconnected from the people who live the closest you? Peter Lovenheim’s article, â€Å"Won’t you be my Neighbor,† discusses this very ideal. After a terrible murder-suicide occurred in Lovenheim’s neighbor he was forced to asked him-self do I really know who lives next me? Lovenheim realized he didn’t and decided to something about it. He decided he was going to sleepover neighbor’s homes in order to get to know them better.What Lovenheim should have taken into account is that, not everyone cares to â€Å"connect,† with his or her neighbors; others may simply just not have the time. And finally with the technology today, our â€Å"neighborhood† has grown to be more then the surrounding blocks near our home. Since when does living next door to someone automatically mean they have to be involved in your life? Lovenheim claims that, â€Å"Property lines isolate us from the people we are physically closets† to: our neighbors. (Lovenheim, 2008) When in reality it’s people that isolate themselves from other people.We all have freedom of choice. Just because you share an address, doesn’t mean you have anything in common with your neighbors. Starting a relationship with a person just because they live next door, is almost as idiotic as befriending someone just because they have a lot of money. Time is a huge factoring in life. People have to choose how much time to spend on different aspects of their lives based on priority, so sometimes time to make friends with neighbors is probably extremely low.Lovenheim asks, â€Å" Why is it that in an age of cheap long-distance rates, discount count airlines, and the Internet we often don’t know the people who live next door. † (Lovenheim, 2008) The answer to that question is that people are busy . For example a full time student, who also works, might not have a lot of time to get chummy with her neighbors. Or even a doctor who works the night shift at the hospital, or a new mom that’s focused on her newborn. Lastly, back in the day, your neighbors may have been important people in your life because they were all you knew.Most women stayed at home, so befriending neighbors wasn’t so shocking. Therefore it makes sense that in the 1950s neighborhood ties were way stronger. (Lovenheim, 2008) Today, with most men and women working there is even less likely of chance to get to know your neighbors. But, advances technologies has allowed us to extend our communities to further then just by our house. The Internet lets us keep in contact with friends and family that live far away. Social media allows people to know what going on with each other at all times.Even travel is easier with public transportation, cars, and planes allowing you to travel to almost anywhere. Wh ile it is possible to be isolated from the people who live the closets to you, what really matters is whether you choose to isolate yourself or not. With technology nowadays they is no reason to be disconnected from people; use your freedom on choice to â€Å"connect† with the people that matter most in your life. Use your time wisely and be open to extending your community with this new-wired world.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

unionism essays

unionism essays Trade unionism, industrial unionism, and socialism were the main forms of organized labor in the late nineteenth century early twentieth century, yet rarely did these shifting currents flow in complementary ways that might appeal to the vast majority of struggling workers. The three most important formal organizations were the American Federation of Labor (AFL), the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) and the Socialist Party of America. All three of these organizations had there own strengths but the many weaknesses and divisions combined with outside influences caused the retardation of their radical, left wing ideas. The American Federation of Labor was founded with the intention of building the class conscioussness and economic power of workers by organizing them on occupational lines. It pursued policies to win short term, concrete, economic gains (Cashman,206.) The AFL was first established as the Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions of the United States and Canada from several independent national trade unions in 1881 and it took its definitive form and new name in 1886.The AFL was decentralized and organized as a loose coalition of almost autonomous national unions (Cashman,205.) The advantage to this was that decisions were made in each union where the leaders understood the situation. However, the AFL retreated from its Marxian origins to become a profoundly conservative organization restricted to the ranks of skilled, white males. This restrictive policy was a major flaw of the AFL and kept them from gaining the numbers and strength that it may have a ttained. These policies came directly from the ideas of the AFLs longtime leader Samuel Gompers. Gompers believed that labor should accept the existing capitalist economy but try and get a larger share for labor by way of higher wages, shorter hours and better conditions of work. He believed that the ide...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The New SAT Writing Whats Changing

The New SAT Writing What's Changing SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips March 5, 2016 shall be a monumental day in SAT history. The format of the SAT will officially change for the first time since 2005. Each section of the test, including SAT Writing, will undergo significant changes. In this article, I'll explain the content and format changes to SAT Writing and provide guidance for how to prepare for the SAT Writing and Language section. If you follow the advice in this guide, you'll be prepared to get an amazing score on the SAT Writing in2016 and beyond. Big Overall Changes SAT Writing will now be known as SAT Writing and Language. Furthermore,SAT Writing and Language and SAT Reading will be combined to give you one section score out of 800, and the maximum score on the new SAT is 1600. You’ll receive an SAT Reading and Writing score out of 800 and an SAT Math score out of 800. On the new SAT Writing, you'll have 35 minutes to complete 44 questions, and Writing and Language will always be the second section of the test. Also, the essay is no longer part of SAT Writing. The essay is separate, and it’s optional for test-takers. However, keep in mind that some of the colleges you apply to may require you to do the essay. Sorry. milena mihaylova/Flickr 4 KeyChanges to Format and Content In addition to the significant overall changes to SAT Writing, the content and look of the SAT Writing section will be dramatically different. #1: All Questions Will Be Passage-Based On the new SAT Writing, none of the questions will be based on individual sentences in isolation. There won't be anysentence improvement or identify the errorquestions. All of the questions will come from 4 passages, and the presentation of the questions will look almost identical to that on the ACT English section.This is what the SAT Writing questions will look like: The questions will ask you to edit an underlined portion of the passage, direct you to a specific location in the passage, or have you think about the passage as a whole. You'll be tested on your knowledge of grammar, writing style, and the content of the passages. #2: There Are Fewer Grammar Questions and More Style Questions The old SAT Writing emphasized specific grammatical rules like subject-verb agreement, parallel structure, and equivalent comparisons. The questions testing your knowledge of these grammar rules could be tricky because these rules are often violated, and the grammatical errors were presented in ways that made them difficult to spot. The old SAT was notorious for using tricks to disguise common grammar errors. On the new SAT, there are far fewer questions testing your knowledge of these rules, and there are more writing style questions. The new SAT emphasizes writing style topics like wordiness and redundancy, word choice, and macro logic. Instead of focusing on specific grammar rules, the new SAT focuses on testing your knowledge of clear, concise, and logical writing. #3: It TestsPunctuation On the old SAT, punctuation was only really tested on questions having to do with run-on sentences. However, on the new SAT, you’ll have to know when and how to use commas, semicolons, and colons. Don't be too scared, though; the punctuation rules for the new SAT aren't that complicated if you take the time to learn them. Here’s an example punctuation question from one of the College Board’s practice tests. Check out #4: This type of question didn’t appear on the old SAT. For this question, you need to know that commas separate items in a list. The comma after â€Å"yogurt manufacturers† indicates that you shouldn’t use a semicolon or colon after â€Å"food scientists.† In answer choice D, the comma after â€Å"and† is unnecessary. The correct answer is C. #4: You'll See Graphs and Charts Additionally, on the redesignedSAT Writing, there will be data interpretation questions on which you'll have to determine how and if the data from a graph or chart fits in the passage. On the old SAT Writing, there were no graphs or charts, so this is a significant change. Take a look at this example question: We’re looking for the lowest temperature; therefore, we need to find the lowest average daily low in the winter, which is 12 degrees. The correct answer is B. How to Prepare for the New SAT Writing Now that we know the major changes to the redesignedWriting section, let's discuss how to study for SAT Writing and Language. #1: Focus on Writing Style On the old SAT Writing, memorizing and understanding a handful of grammatical rules would enable you to get a good score.Now, because writing style is emphasized, you should pay more attention to word choice, sentence construction, and paragraph construction. There is more reading comprehension incorporated into the redesignedSAT Writing. You need to understand why certain words or sentences are used in a given passage, or if they should be replaced with other words or sentences. On the old SAT Writing, improving paragraphs was the smallest subsection. On the new version, those types of questions have become more important. I recommend reviewing the content-based style questions on the improving paragraphs subsection because there are more content-based style questions on the new SAT. What are content-based style questions? Basically, they're the questions that require reading comprehension. On the old SAT Writing, on the improving paragraphs subsection, there were grammar questions asking how to revise or combine sentences. Additionally, there were style questions that asked whether to add or delete sentences from the passage and where to place certain sentences within a passage. These questions testyour reading comprehension and understanding of the passage, and you'll see a lot of themon the new Writing section. Here's an example of a content-based style question from the old SAT Writing improving paragraphs subsection: The correct answer has to logically follow sentence 7 and connect to sentence 8. It's essential that you understand the content and purpose of these sentences to determine the right answer. These types of questions rely on your reading comprehension, and they play a larger role on the new SAT Writing. You can use these types of questions from the old SAT Writing to help prepare for the new test. There are more reading comprehension questions on the new SAT Writing. (cheerfulmonk/Flickr) #2: Study ACT English The new SAT Writing is strikingly similar to ACT English, and even though there is limited information about the new SAT, there is a wealth of information about the ACT. Undoubtedly, studying for ACT English will help you get ready for the new SAT Writing. Many of our previous articles on ACT English will help you prepare for the new SAT Writing. You should review these articles: The Best Way to Approach ACT English Passages Everything You Need to Know About Commas for the ACT Punctuation on ACT English Wordiness and Redundancy in ACT English Macro Logic in ACT English Transition Questions on ACT English Add and Delete Questions on ACT English Relevance Questions on ACT English Formality on ACT English Furthermore, even though there are no graphs or charts on ACT English, there are on the ACT Science section.If you need more practice interpreting data from graphs or charts, you can practice with questions from ACT Science. Keep in mind that most of the ACT Science questions aremore complexthan the data interpretation questions on the new SAT Writing. #3: Don’t Completely Neglect Studying Grammar There are still grammar questions on the redesignedSAT Writing, even though knowing grammar rules isn’t as important on the new SAT. Check out this grammar question from one of the new SAT practice tests: This question tests two grammar rules that were often tested on the old SAT: subject-verb agreement and pronoun agreement. The subject of the sentence is Harvey Houses, which is plural; therefore, you must use a plural verb. Furthermore, because the pronoun â€Å"its† refers to the Harvey Houses, you must use the plural pronoun "their." The correct answer is B. Here are some of our grammar articles that are relevant for the new SAT. The links are for ourACT English grammar articles because the presentation of the questions is basically the same as that of the new SAT: Verb Tenses and Forms Pronoun Agreement Subject-Verb Agreement Run-on Sentences and Fragments Idioms Make sure that you know and understand each of the grammar rules that is tested on the new SAT Writing. Also, you should be able to correctly answer practice questions related to each rule. Grammar nerds like me can still have fun on the SAT!(George Williams/Flickr) #4: Review the New SAT Practice Tests The College Board released four SAT practice tests.You should practice the SAT Writing questions and review the answers and explanations.From my experience with the old SAT and the ACT, the best way to prepare is by practicing with real or realistic questions. Khan Academyalso has practice questions and videos explaining examples from the new SAT. Use these free resources available to you to get ready to get a wonderful SAT Writing score. #5: Get Your Read On As I've mentioned, on the new SAT Writing, reading comprehension is more important than on the old SAT Writing. Additionally, theredesignedWriting section more strongly emphasizes knowledge of vocabulary and an intuitive grasp of English. The more you read, the more you’ll strengthen these skills that are necessary to do well on the redesignedSAT Writing.High-level reading willbe especially helpful. If you can do college-level academic reading or read articles from The New Yorker or The Atlantic, you’ll be preparing yourself to excel on the new version of the test. Do You Even Have to Take the New SAT? If you’ve already taken the old SAT and you’re in the class of 2017 or 2018, you may not not need to take the new SAT.However, if you’re not happy with your score on the old SAT, you should take the new SAT or the ACT. Find out if you got a good score on the old SAT. Also, read our guide on the new SAT vs. the ACT to help decide which test is best for you.For current high school juniors, we generally recommend taking the ACT because there is much more available material to prepare for the ACT vs. the new SAT. However, you should still take a look at the new SAT practice tests to determine if the new SAT may be a better fit for you and your skill set. What's Next? Because the maximum score will be different on the new SAT, find out what a good score is for your target school on the new SAT. There are only 4 new SAT practice tests, solearn more about smart alternatives for SAT practice tests to be able to better prepare yourself. Finally, if you plan to do the essay, make sure you familiarize yourself with the new essay prompts. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points? Check out our best-in-class online SAT prep program. We guarantee your money back if you don't improve your SAT score by 160 points or more. Our program is entirely online, and it customizes what you study to your strengths and weaknesses. If you liked this Writing and grammar lesson, you'll love our program.Along with more detailed lessons, you'll get thousands ofpractice problems organized by individual skills so you learn most effectively. We'll also give you a step-by-step program to follow so you'll never be confused about what to study next. 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Sunday, November 3, 2019

Social struggles in The Melting Pot and America Essay

Social struggles in The Melting Pot and America - Essay Example The poems ‘The Melting Pot’ and ‘America’ are poems that both portray different characters. These characters seem unsatisfied or displeased with the current state of affairs in the country. In the poem America, the narrator identifies a boy who describes America in a way that shows his negative attitude towards the state of affairs in the country. The second poem, ‘’The Melting Pot’ also talks about the problem of identity of immigrants. It talks about discriminations experienced by the immigrants in a cynical way. The poem is also narrated by an ‘observer or outsider’. The narrator of ‘America’ is not also directly involved with the activities and events in the poem. He/she is a third party in the setting. These two similarities between the poems is also a notable one and brings the authors’ feelings without having a biased approach on either of them. In ‘America,’ Tony Hoagland helps the rea der to visualize and clearly see how Americans have a liking for material things. These material things are not necessary in their lives by specifically using nouns. In the line where he says ‘Then one of pupil with blue hair and a tongue stud, claims that America for him is for a maximum security prison.’ In this line, he portrays a young person, who represents a future generations, who has literally lost hope in his country, and views it as a prison, rather than a home. This is dangerous as the young generation is responsible for the future social wellbeing of people (Hahn, 2003). He goes on to say that ‘Whose walls are made of Radio Shacks, Burger Kings and MTV episodes.’ In this line, he clearly depicts a society that has lost its traditions and dependent on contemporary aspects of life. He also indicates people that indulge in unnecessary and socially unfriendly aspects of life, like fast food restaurants, luxury by mentioning the 70 inch TV and a lack of culture by sarcastically mentioning MTV episodes. Nouns used above help the to visualize the amount of â€Å"purchasing† that consumes American lives. Looking at the poem ‘The Melting Pot’, the cultural study theory is one that applies by looking at the large societal context. The poem reveals that there is a culture that the society revolves around in America. Near the beginning of the poem is a line that says ‘Can step in Czech or Greek or Scot. Step out American’. This demonstrates the strength the American culture on immigrants who come to America. Do they not only become Americans by law, but also evolve and change culture wise. Hoagland metaphorically shows the American people’s obsession with money. He also says that money ruins people’s lives, although this statement is questionable. He writes that ‘And I remember when I stabbed my dad in the dream last night, it was not blood but money.’ He retorted, â€Å"Tha nk God-those Ben Franklins were clogging up my heart-and, so I perish happily freed from that which kept me from liberty.’’- The writer shows that the money was preventing the stabbed man from living a happy life. It was as if the money had blocked the flow of life into his heart, and it was a relief that his son had stabbed him. Although money is good, it also has a bad side (Reese, 2004). In this case, id does not bring any good to this man but brings him sorrow. On the contrary, in ‘The Melting Pot’, there is an indication of different social and economical classes with different political ideologies. It is evident that due Sam’s low economic class, he was not given a chance to demonstrate his equality in America. Basing one's argument on Sam’s race, we can see the reason for his stagnation in the social ladder. African Americans (blacks) were not allowed to work to move up the social class ladder. They had

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Business Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 17

Business Law - Essay Example Long Haul Moving Co. failed to make payments to Acme Box and Container Co. even after the company had manufactured and transported the boxes. Acme thus files a legal suit in which the company accuses Long Haul for breaching the contract. Such is an appropriate move that would settle the case. As discussed earlier, a contract is a legally binding document. As such, the contract alongside will explain the cases of each party thus discovering the liable party. Apparently, Long Haul refuses to pay for the services since Acme did not print the name of the company on the boxes as the two had agreed. With such, Long Haul will defend itself by explaining the box manufacturing company did not meet its obligations thus validating it refusal to make payments. According to the contract, Long Haul Moving Co. described the type and quality of boxes for the company to manufacture. Among the key features, that the company had described and include in the contract was the name and logo imprints. The two are fundamental features of the company. This implies that their placements on the packaging boxes were essential to the company. By failing to place them strategically as described in the contract, Acme Box and Container Co beached the contract thus compelling Long Haul to withhold payments. Another equally important feature of the contract that Acme Box and Container Co. did not meet was the time of delivery. According to the contract, Acme Box and Container Co. was to deliver five thousand boxes on May 1. However, the company did not beat the deadline thus delivering five hundred boxes on June 1. The two are important beaches of the contract and therefore formidable defenses for Long Haul Company. As explained earlier, parties enter the agre ement and promise to uphold the terms of the contract the type of the boxes including the tie of delivery were essential details

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Humanaties 320 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Humanaties 320 - Essay Example Bureaucracy became helpful for many companies, but in the competitive global market of the 1990s organizations started throwing away the organizational chart and replacing it with patterns of teams and projects with the idea of unleashed employee creativity. The systems approach to management views the organization as a unified, purposeful system composed of interrelated parts. Much of what we have built in terms of modern management grew from ancient theory in one form or another. Nevertheless, we do not really need to know what happened yesterday to function today. Still, it helps. It helps to know how things were and how people acted in order to emulate what they did right, eliminate what they did wrong, and improve upon what they could have done better. By studying the past, we gain insight into today and inspiration for the future. Even though, it is not necessary for daily function it is an indispensible enhancement. The first third of the 20th century featured two separate managerial approaches. The scientific management approach of Taylor, Gilbreth and the other engineers and that of the behavioral scientist led by Munsterberg, Maslow, and Mayo. They each differ from one another. Scientific management relies upon managers to make decisions. It tries to develop a best, standard method for performing each job. It selects workers with appropriate abilities and trains them according to the standard method developed. It seeks to help workers by planning work, eliminating interruptions, and providing wage incentives. The behavioral management addressed the human dimension of work. Behavioral theorists believed understanding motivation, conflict, expectations, and group dynamics improved productivity. They viewed employees as individual resources and assets to be developed. It was possible for both concepts to be applied to the same company at the same time. Organizations were not limited to

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Section 31, Children Act 1989 Threshold Criteria

Section 31, Children Act 1989 Threshold Criteria Before a court can make a care order, it must be satisfied that the ‘threshold criteria’ in Section 31 of the Children Act 1989 have been met.[1] The order must also promote the welfare of the child.[2] The main effect of a care order is to give parental responsibility for the child to the local authority.[3] If a care order is made, the child can be removed by the local authority at any time.[4] The threshold criteria, therefore, play a significant role in that they prevent care orders being made simply based on what is in the best interests of the child.[5] However, as this paper will demonstrate, the threshold for state intervention at various stages of the child protection process has been extremely controversial. Section 31 Children Act 1989: Threshold Criteria One of the great problems in the law of child protection is that if the wrong decision is made, great harm may result. As Bainham said: â€Å"The law in this area has to strike a careful balance between enabling the protection of children at risk of harm, with protecting the rights to respect for family life for children and their parents†[6] Not surprisingly, there is substantial case law on the interpretation of s.31 of the Children Act 1989 and the House of Lords have considered their interpretation in some important cases which will be assessed afterwards.[7] An analysis would be made about whether the courts have interpreted the threshold criteria in a strict or lax way. If interpreted in a strict way, this would imply that it would be more problematic for the local authority to satisfy the grounds for a care order. Under the first limb of threshold, the local authority must show that the â€Å"child concerned is suffering, or is likely to suffer, significant harm† when applying for a care order.[8] Although quite straightforward, there have been concerns about when the alleged state of affairs must be shown to exist.[9] ‘Is suffering’ In Re M[10], the key issue was the meaning of ‘is’ in the threshold criteria. In this case, the children’s father had murdered their mother. Three of the four children were placed with their aunt. The remaining child was placed with foster carers, but later joined her aunt. However, the local authority still wanted a care order just in case it became necessary to remove the child from the aunt’s house. By the time the case came to court, it was hard to say that the child was, at that time, suffering from significant harm or that she was likely to. Their Lordships hence explained that the correct test was â€Å"whether the child was suffering from significant harm at the time when the local authority first intervened†.[11] Given that interpretation of the threshold, this was clearly satisfied. That decision is clearly correct, as their Lordships indicated or else it would be difficult for the local authority to obtain a care order in cases where child ren were put in excellent care.[12] It was a lax interpretation of the threshold criteria as a strict interpretation would have made the law hard to operate. ‘Likely to suffer significant harm’ The alternative ground on which the local authority can satisfy the first limb of the threshold criteria under s.31(2)(a) of the Children Act 1989 is the likelihood of future significant harm. One of the major issues that local authorities encounter is that predictions that child abuse will occur are difficult to make. Removing a child on the ground of speculative harm is controversial as it is impossible to know whether or not the harm would occur.[13] In Re H[14], there were several issues for the court. The first was the meaning of ‘likely’. Their Lordships held that ‘likely’ meant that significant harm was a ‘real possibility’.[15] It was not necessary to show that the harm was probable in the sense of ‘more likely than not’.[16] This is a notably lax interpretation of the threshold criteria. They also held that it must be shown, on the balance of probabilities, that the threshold was satisfied. They rejected the view that the criminal burden of proof should be applied. However, rather confusingly, Lord Nicholls said that â€Å"where there was a more serious allegation, more evidence would be required to establish it on a balance of probability than a case of a less serious allegation†.[17] This dicta was reconsidered by the court in Re B[18] where their Lordships made it clear that Lord Nicholls was not suggesting that, in cases of serious abuse, the criminal burden of proof should be used.[19] The civil balance of proof should be applied in all cases under the Children Act 1989. Instead, what Lord Nicholls implied, was that â€Å"some allegations will be inherently unlikely and they will require more evidence to establish them than others†. This interpretation was followed in Re S-B[20]. This aspect of the decision in Re B and Re H is perhaps best viewed as a lax interpretation, although it is probably not as lax as it could have been. Requiring a criminal burden of proof would have indeed made it very difficult for the local authority to obtain a care order. However, Lord Nicholls’ approach to the standard of proof, as well as its wider implications for protecting children at risk of harm has attracted strong academic criticism. Re B also confirmed another aspect of the decision in Re H. Risk of significant harm can only be established based on ‘primary facts’ which would then have to be proved on the balance of probabilities. Mere suspicions are not sufficient. In Re H, a 15 year old girl alleged that she had been raped by her stepfather. The local authority sought a care order in respect of the girl’s three younger siblings who continued to live with the man. There was a strong suspicion that the older girl had been abused and that the younger girls were at risk of being harmed. However, as it had not been proved on the balance of probabilities that the girl had been abused, no primary facts had been proved and thus, no care order was granted. As Lord Hoffman in Re B stated, â€Å"either a fact happened or it did not and there was nothing in between†. If there are no facts to support a finding of risk of future harm, the court is powerless to proceed.[21] This is, undoubtedly, a strict interpretation of the threshold criteria. The majority of their Lordships saw this issue in terms of parental rights; parents should not have their children removed on the basis of suspicions. However, it is suggested that this is not a safe approach to risk taking with children.[22] The reason why it is unsafe is that it would be very difficult for the local authority to safeguard a child’s right to be protected from abuse even when there is a serious risk of danger. As this analysis suggests, there are evidential problems and difficulties of predicting the future. The problems of proof partly explain the lengthy delays which can occur in child protection proceedings.[23] With the introduction of the Children and Families Act 2014, there is now a 26-week time limit for completing care proceedings with the possibility of extending the time limit for up to 8 weeks, if this is necessary to resolve the proceedings justly.[24] However, an important issue that arises here is whether this is achievable in complex cases. ‘Timescales can end up replacing professional judgment’.[25] ‘Harm attributable to the care given or likely to be given or the child’s being beyond parental control’ Uncertainty about who caused harm to the child is also another issue which local authorities and courts generally encounter.[26] The issue of the ‘unknown perpetrator’ was addressed in the case of Lancashire CC v B[27]. In this case, it was clear that the child had suffered harm. However, it was not clear whether it was the parent or the child minder who had caused harm to the child. Their Lordships held that as long as it was clear that the abuse was caused by a parent or a child minder, it did not matter which had perpetrated the abuse. On the other hand, where it is not clear whether the harm was caused by a parent or someone who was not a primary carer of the child, then no care order could be made. Although the House of Lords provided a clear guidance on when the threshold criteria would be satisfied in the case of an ‘unknown perpetrator’, they provided limited guidance on how the court should deal with an unknown perpetrator when deciding whether a ca re order should be granted.[28] Their Lordships returned to that issue in Re O and N[29], where it was emphasised that â€Å"just because the threshold criteria was satisfied, it did not automatically mean that a care order had to be made†. In one of the appeal cases, it was evident that the child was harmed by one of the parents, who had since separated. The child lived with the mother. The issue for their Lordships was whether the suspicions that the harm may have been caused by the mother should be considered. Their Lordships held that suspicions could be considered at the welfare stage. Lord Nicholls however emphasised that social workers should be careful in such cases to treat the parents as potential perpetrators, not proved perpetrators. Therefore, in Re S-B, it was confirmed that if both parents were possible perpetrators, the court might decide to remove the child as they were at risk of harm. It is therefore submitted that in Lancashire, the House of Lords took a noticeably lax interpretation of t he threshold criteria as the children could be removed from their parents even if they did not perpetrate the abuse. However, it was probably not as lax as it could have been as it was necessary to show that a primary carer of the child was harming the child. ‘Significant harm’ Even if the facts are known, there is much controversy over how much suffering the child should face before the local authority could intervene. Harm is very widely defined in s.31(9) of the Children Act 1989 as the â€Å"ill-treatment or the impairment of health or development.† ‘Health’ means ‘physical and mental health’. ‘Development’ includes â€Å"physical, intellectual, emotional or behavioural development†. As a result of the Adoption and Children Act 2002, the definition of ‘harm’ also includes the ‘impairment suffered by hearing or seeing the ill-treatment of another’. The legislation, however, does not define the line between ‘harm’ and ‘significant harm’. The Court of Appeal in Re C (A Child)[30] explained that to be significant, the harm had to be â€Å"great enough to justify the local authority interfering in the autonomous life of the family†. The test will therefore be subjective to the particular circumstances. This raises many questions. If a local authority finds that a child is living in a house where the family’s diet is unhealthy and where the children spend all their time in front of the television, what should be done? Joanna Nicolas, a child protection consultant, believes that â€Å"obesity should also be treated as a form of abuse as any type of under-feeding is, because of the physical impact on the child, the implications for their future health and the psychological impact.†[31] However, many would argue that this kind of situation is not sufficiently serious to justify intervention. This puts social workers in a difficult situation as they do not know in which circumstances it will be appropria te for them to intervene. Ward LJ also stresses the importance of Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights when assessing the significance of the harm, highlighting that Article 8 requires that there must be a ‘†relevant and sufficient† reason for crossing the threshold’.[32] Additionally, if the state is to intervene in a child’s life, the level of state intervention must be proportionate to the risk that the child is suffering. There is a danger that a child who is genuinely suffering will be known to the local authority, but never, quite, be regarded as suffering sufficiently to justify intervention. In Re MA[33], the local authority found that a girl, who was not the biological daughter of the parents, had been badly treated by them. However, no care order was granted in respect of the parents’ other children as their Lordships found that there was no sufficient evidence of a risk of significant harm to their natural children. The decision in this case is controversial as the parents demonstrated a capacity for cruelty and thus gave rise to a real possibility that they would harm their own children. In deciding whether the child is suffering from ‘significant harm’, the ‘child’s health or development must be compared with that which could reasonably be expected of a ‘similar child’.[34] There are a number of issues in regards to the ‘similar child’ test. There is particular controversy over the extent to which the cultural background of the child should be taken into account.[35] It is also unclear to which extent the characteristics or capabilities of the parents should be considered. Reforms and recommendations For the last 40 years, several reforms have been intended to improve the law on ‘child protection’ and compensate for failures in practice. Many of these reforms responded to the cumulative evidence inspections and high-profile reviews into children’s deaths including: the 1974 Maria Colwell inquiry which led to the Area Review Committees, the 1988 Cleveland inquiry which formed the early versions of the statutory guidance Working Together To Safeguard Children and the Victoria Climbià © Report which contributed to the Every Child Matters green paper with recommended policies designed to ensure that it never happened again. Since the individual reforms of the past have all seemed intelligent and well-designed, it seems puzzling that they have not achieved their intended goals.[36] It is submitted that there may have been too many unnecessary targets. Instead of addressing existing practical problems, such as poor system management and inadequate funding, the prev ious reforms have focussed too much on the process of case management and increasing regulation. This may have impeded the real issue of child protection. The Munro report has provided some interesting recommendations to improve the law on child protection with particular focus on early intervention, the transparency and accountability of the system and the expertise of the social work profession. In conclusion, it is submitted that there is no consistent theme in the approach of their Lordships in regards to the threshold criteria. There is however increasing evidence to suggest that the thresholds need to be lower. Witnesses from the courts found little or no evidence of inappropriate removal of children and many instances where earlier removal would have been appropriate.[37] This is backed by academic research. Professor Ward noted that â€Å"there is substantial evidence that many children remain for too long with or are returned to abusive and neglectful families with insufficient support.[38] Word Count: 2500 Bibliography Primary Sources Cases Lancashire CC v B [2000] 1 FCR 509 Re B (Children) (Care Proceedings: Standard of Proof) [2008] UKHL 35 Re C (A Child) [1993] 1 FLR 257 Re D (Care: Threshold Criteria) [1998] Fam Law 656 Re D (A Child) (Care Order: Evidence) [2010] EWCA Civ 1000 Re H and Others (minors) (sexual abuse: standard of proof) [1996] AC 563 Re L (Children) [2006] EWCA Civ 1282 Re M (A Minor) (Care Order: Threshold Conditions) [1994] 2 FLR 577 Re MA (Care Threshold) [2009] EWCA Civ 853 Re O and N (Children) (Non-accidental injury) [2003] 1 FCR 673 Re O (A Minor) (Care Order: Education: Procedure) [1992] 4 All ER 905 Re P (Care Proceedings) [2012] EWCA Civ 401 Re S-B (Children) [2009] UKSC 17 Re T (A Child) (Care Order) [2009] 2 FCR 367 Statutes and statutory instruments Adoption and Children Act 2002 Children Act 1989 Children Act 2004 Children and Families Act 2014 Secondary Sources Books Herring J, Family Law (6th edition, Pearson Education Ltd, 2013) Harris-Short S and Miles J, Family Law: Text, Cases and Materials (2nd edition, Oxford University Press, 2011) Journal articles Bainham A, ‘Striking the Balance in Child Protection’ [2009] CLJ 42 Hayes M, ‘Uncertain Evidence and Risk-Taking in Child Protection Cases’ [2004] CLFQ 63 Keating H, ‘Shifting Standards in the House Of Lords’ [1996] CFLQ 157 Lowe N and Cobley C, ‘The statutory â€Å"threshold† under Section 31 of the Children Act 1989-time to take a stock’ LQR 396 Masson J, ‘Reforming Care Proceedings- Time for a Review’ [2007] CLFQ 411 Websites Department for Education, ‘Landmark Children and Families Act 2014 gains royal assent’ (Press release, 13 March 2014)