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Thursday, October 31, 2019

Business Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 17

Business Law - Essay Example Long Haul Moving Co. failed to make payments to Acme Box and Container Co. even after the company had manufactured and transported the boxes. Acme thus files a legal suit in which the company accuses Long Haul for breaching the contract. Such is an appropriate move that would settle the case. As discussed earlier, a contract is a legally binding document. As such, the contract alongside will explain the cases of each party thus discovering the liable party. Apparently, Long Haul refuses to pay for the services since Acme did not print the name of the company on the boxes as the two had agreed. With such, Long Haul will defend itself by explaining the box manufacturing company did not meet its obligations thus validating it refusal to make payments. According to the contract, Long Haul Moving Co. described the type and quality of boxes for the company to manufacture. Among the key features, that the company had described and include in the contract was the name and logo imprints. The two are fundamental features of the company. This implies that their placements on the packaging boxes were essential to the company. By failing to place them strategically as described in the contract, Acme Box and Container Co beached the contract thus compelling Long Haul to withhold payments. Another equally important feature of the contract that Acme Box and Container Co. did not meet was the time of delivery. According to the contract, Acme Box and Container Co. was to deliver five thousand boxes on May 1. However, the company did not beat the deadline thus delivering five hundred boxes on June 1. The two are important beaches of the contract and therefore formidable defenses for Long Haul Company. As explained earlier, parties enter the agre ement and promise to uphold the terms of the contract the type of the boxes including the tie of delivery were essential details

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Humanaties 320 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Humanaties 320 - Essay Example Bureaucracy became helpful for many companies, but in the competitive global market of the 1990s organizations started throwing away the organizational chart and replacing it with patterns of teams and projects with the idea of unleashed employee creativity. The systems approach to management views the organization as a unified, purposeful system composed of interrelated parts. Much of what we have built in terms of modern management grew from ancient theory in one form or another. Nevertheless, we do not really need to know what happened yesterday to function today. Still, it helps. It helps to know how things were and how people acted in order to emulate what they did right, eliminate what they did wrong, and improve upon what they could have done better. By studying the past, we gain insight into today and inspiration for the future. Even though, it is not necessary for daily function it is an indispensible enhancement. The first third of the 20th century featured two separate managerial approaches. The scientific management approach of Taylor, Gilbreth and the other engineers and that of the behavioral scientist led by Munsterberg, Maslow, and Mayo. They each differ from one another. Scientific management relies upon managers to make decisions. It tries to develop a best, standard method for performing each job. It selects workers with appropriate abilities and trains them according to the standard method developed. It seeks to help workers by planning work, eliminating interruptions, and providing wage incentives. The behavioral management addressed the human dimension of work. Behavioral theorists believed understanding motivation, conflict, expectations, and group dynamics improved productivity. They viewed employees as individual resources and assets to be developed. It was possible for both concepts to be applied to the same company at the same time. Organizations were not limited to

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Section 31, Children Act 1989 Threshold Criteria

Section 31, Children Act 1989 Threshold Criteria Before a court can make a care order, it must be satisfied that the ‘threshold criteria’ in Section 31 of the Children Act 1989 have been met.[1] The order must also promote the welfare of the child.[2] The main effect of a care order is to give parental responsibility for the child to the local authority.[3] If a care order is made, the child can be removed by the local authority at any time.[4] The threshold criteria, therefore, play a significant role in that they prevent care orders being made simply based on what is in the best interests of the child.[5] However, as this paper will demonstrate, the threshold for state intervention at various stages of the child protection process has been extremely controversial. Section 31 Children Act 1989: Threshold Criteria One of the great problems in the law of child protection is that if the wrong decision is made, great harm may result. As Bainham said: â€Å"The law in this area has to strike a careful balance between enabling the protection of children at risk of harm, with protecting the rights to respect for family life for children and their parents†[6] Not surprisingly, there is substantial case law on the interpretation of s.31 of the Children Act 1989 and the House of Lords have considered their interpretation in some important cases which will be assessed afterwards.[7] An analysis would be made about whether the courts have interpreted the threshold criteria in a strict or lax way. If interpreted in a strict way, this would imply that it would be more problematic for the local authority to satisfy the grounds for a care order. Under the first limb of threshold, the local authority must show that the â€Å"child concerned is suffering, or is likely to suffer, significant harm† when applying for a care order.[8] Although quite straightforward, there have been concerns about when the alleged state of affairs must be shown to exist.[9] ‘Is suffering’ In Re M[10], the key issue was the meaning of ‘is’ in the threshold criteria. In this case, the children’s father had murdered their mother. Three of the four children were placed with their aunt. The remaining child was placed with foster carers, but later joined her aunt. However, the local authority still wanted a care order just in case it became necessary to remove the child from the aunt’s house. By the time the case came to court, it was hard to say that the child was, at that time, suffering from significant harm or that she was likely to. Their Lordships hence explained that the correct test was â€Å"whether the child was suffering from significant harm at the time when the local authority first intervened†.[11] Given that interpretation of the threshold, this was clearly satisfied. That decision is clearly correct, as their Lordships indicated or else it would be difficult for the local authority to obtain a care order in cases where child ren were put in excellent care.[12] It was a lax interpretation of the threshold criteria as a strict interpretation would have made the law hard to operate. ‘Likely to suffer significant harm’ The alternative ground on which the local authority can satisfy the first limb of the threshold criteria under s.31(2)(a) of the Children Act 1989 is the likelihood of future significant harm. One of the major issues that local authorities encounter is that predictions that child abuse will occur are difficult to make. Removing a child on the ground of speculative harm is controversial as it is impossible to know whether or not the harm would occur.[13] In Re H[14], there were several issues for the court. The first was the meaning of ‘likely’. Their Lordships held that ‘likely’ meant that significant harm was a ‘real possibility’.[15] It was not necessary to show that the harm was probable in the sense of ‘more likely than not’.[16] This is a notably lax interpretation of the threshold criteria. They also held that it must be shown, on the balance of probabilities, that the threshold was satisfied. They rejected the view that the criminal burden of proof should be applied. However, rather confusingly, Lord Nicholls said that â€Å"where there was a more serious allegation, more evidence would be required to establish it on a balance of probability than a case of a less serious allegation†.[17] This dicta was reconsidered by the court in Re B[18] where their Lordships made it clear that Lord Nicholls was not suggesting that, in cases of serious abuse, the criminal burden of proof should be used.[19] The civil balance of proof should be applied in all cases under the Children Act 1989. Instead, what Lord Nicholls implied, was that â€Å"some allegations will be inherently unlikely and they will require more evidence to establish them than others†. This interpretation was followed in Re S-B[20]. This aspect of the decision in Re B and Re H is perhaps best viewed as a lax interpretation, although it is probably not as lax as it could have been. Requiring a criminal burden of proof would have indeed made it very difficult for the local authority to obtain a care order. However, Lord Nicholls’ approach to the standard of proof, as well as its wider implications for protecting children at risk of harm has attracted strong academic criticism. Re B also confirmed another aspect of the decision in Re H. Risk of significant harm can only be established based on ‘primary facts’ which would then have to be proved on the balance of probabilities. Mere suspicions are not sufficient. In Re H, a 15 year old girl alleged that she had been raped by her stepfather. The local authority sought a care order in respect of the girl’s three younger siblings who continued to live with the man. There was a strong suspicion that the older girl had been abused and that the younger girls were at risk of being harmed. However, as it had not been proved on the balance of probabilities that the girl had been abused, no primary facts had been proved and thus, no care order was granted. As Lord Hoffman in Re B stated, â€Å"either a fact happened or it did not and there was nothing in between†. If there are no facts to support a finding of risk of future harm, the court is powerless to proceed.[21] This is, undoubtedly, a strict interpretation of the threshold criteria. The majority of their Lordships saw this issue in terms of parental rights; parents should not have their children removed on the basis of suspicions. However, it is suggested that this is not a safe approach to risk taking with children.[22] The reason why it is unsafe is that it would be very difficult for the local authority to safeguard a child’s right to be protected from abuse even when there is a serious risk of danger. As this analysis suggests, there are evidential problems and difficulties of predicting the future. The problems of proof partly explain the lengthy delays which can occur in child protection proceedings.[23] With the introduction of the Children and Families Act 2014, there is now a 26-week time limit for completing care proceedings with the possibility of extending the time limit for up to 8 weeks, if this is necessary to resolve the proceedings justly.[24] However, an important issue that arises here is whether this is achievable in complex cases. ‘Timescales can end up replacing professional judgment’.[25] ‘Harm attributable to the care given or likely to be given or the child’s being beyond parental control’ Uncertainty about who caused harm to the child is also another issue which local authorities and courts generally encounter.[26] The issue of the ‘unknown perpetrator’ was addressed in the case of Lancashire CC v B[27]. In this case, it was clear that the child had suffered harm. However, it was not clear whether it was the parent or the child minder who had caused harm to the child. Their Lordships held that as long as it was clear that the abuse was caused by a parent or a child minder, it did not matter which had perpetrated the abuse. On the other hand, where it is not clear whether the harm was caused by a parent or someone who was not a primary carer of the child, then no care order could be made. Although the House of Lords provided a clear guidance on when the threshold criteria would be satisfied in the case of an ‘unknown perpetrator’, they provided limited guidance on how the court should deal with an unknown perpetrator when deciding whether a ca re order should be granted.[28] Their Lordships returned to that issue in Re O and N[29], where it was emphasised that â€Å"just because the threshold criteria was satisfied, it did not automatically mean that a care order had to be made†. In one of the appeal cases, it was evident that the child was harmed by one of the parents, who had since separated. The child lived with the mother. The issue for their Lordships was whether the suspicions that the harm may have been caused by the mother should be considered. Their Lordships held that suspicions could be considered at the welfare stage. Lord Nicholls however emphasised that social workers should be careful in such cases to treat the parents as potential perpetrators, not proved perpetrators. Therefore, in Re S-B, it was confirmed that if both parents were possible perpetrators, the court might decide to remove the child as they were at risk of harm. It is therefore submitted that in Lancashire, the House of Lords took a noticeably lax interpretation of t he threshold criteria as the children could be removed from their parents even if they did not perpetrate the abuse. However, it was probably not as lax as it could have been as it was necessary to show that a primary carer of the child was harming the child. ‘Significant harm’ Even if the facts are known, there is much controversy over how much suffering the child should face before the local authority could intervene. Harm is very widely defined in s.31(9) of the Children Act 1989 as the â€Å"ill-treatment or the impairment of health or development.† ‘Health’ means ‘physical and mental health’. ‘Development’ includes â€Å"physical, intellectual, emotional or behavioural development†. As a result of the Adoption and Children Act 2002, the definition of ‘harm’ also includes the ‘impairment suffered by hearing or seeing the ill-treatment of another’. The legislation, however, does not define the line between ‘harm’ and ‘significant harm’. The Court of Appeal in Re C (A Child)[30] explained that to be significant, the harm had to be â€Å"great enough to justify the local authority interfering in the autonomous life of the family†. The test will therefore be subjective to the particular circumstances. This raises many questions. If a local authority finds that a child is living in a house where the family’s diet is unhealthy and where the children spend all their time in front of the television, what should be done? Joanna Nicolas, a child protection consultant, believes that â€Å"obesity should also be treated as a form of abuse as any type of under-feeding is, because of the physical impact on the child, the implications for their future health and the psychological impact.†[31] However, many would argue that this kind of situation is not sufficiently serious to justify intervention. This puts social workers in a difficult situation as they do not know in which circumstances it will be appropria te for them to intervene. Ward LJ also stresses the importance of Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights when assessing the significance of the harm, highlighting that Article 8 requires that there must be a ‘†relevant and sufficient† reason for crossing the threshold’.[32] Additionally, if the state is to intervene in a child’s life, the level of state intervention must be proportionate to the risk that the child is suffering. There is a danger that a child who is genuinely suffering will be known to the local authority, but never, quite, be regarded as suffering sufficiently to justify intervention. In Re MA[33], the local authority found that a girl, who was not the biological daughter of the parents, had been badly treated by them. However, no care order was granted in respect of the parents’ other children as their Lordships found that there was no sufficient evidence of a risk of significant harm to their natural children. The decision in this case is controversial as the parents demonstrated a capacity for cruelty and thus gave rise to a real possibility that they would harm their own children. In deciding whether the child is suffering from ‘significant harm’, the ‘child’s health or development must be compared with that which could reasonably be expected of a ‘similar child’.[34] There are a number of issues in regards to the ‘similar child’ test. There is particular controversy over the extent to which the cultural background of the child should be taken into account.[35] It is also unclear to which extent the characteristics or capabilities of the parents should be considered. Reforms and recommendations For the last 40 years, several reforms have been intended to improve the law on ‘child protection’ and compensate for failures in practice. Many of these reforms responded to the cumulative evidence inspections and high-profile reviews into children’s deaths including: the 1974 Maria Colwell inquiry which led to the Area Review Committees, the 1988 Cleveland inquiry which formed the early versions of the statutory guidance Working Together To Safeguard Children and the Victoria Climbià © Report which contributed to the Every Child Matters green paper with recommended policies designed to ensure that it never happened again. Since the individual reforms of the past have all seemed intelligent and well-designed, it seems puzzling that they have not achieved their intended goals.[36] It is submitted that there may have been too many unnecessary targets. Instead of addressing existing practical problems, such as poor system management and inadequate funding, the prev ious reforms have focussed too much on the process of case management and increasing regulation. This may have impeded the real issue of child protection. The Munro report has provided some interesting recommendations to improve the law on child protection with particular focus on early intervention, the transparency and accountability of the system and the expertise of the social work profession. In conclusion, it is submitted that there is no consistent theme in the approach of their Lordships in regards to the threshold criteria. There is however increasing evidence to suggest that the thresholds need to be lower. Witnesses from the courts found little or no evidence of inappropriate removal of children and many instances where earlier removal would have been appropriate.[37] This is backed by academic research. Professor Ward noted that â€Å"there is substantial evidence that many children remain for too long with or are returned to abusive and neglectful families with insufficient support.[38] Word Count: 2500 Bibliography Primary Sources Cases Lancashire CC v B [2000] 1 FCR 509 Re B (Children) (Care Proceedings: Standard of Proof) [2008] UKHL 35 Re C (A Child) [1993] 1 FLR 257 Re D (Care: Threshold Criteria) [1998] Fam Law 656 Re D (A Child) (Care Order: Evidence) [2010] EWCA Civ 1000 Re H and Others (minors) (sexual abuse: standard of proof) [1996] AC 563 Re L (Children) [2006] EWCA Civ 1282 Re M (A Minor) (Care Order: Threshold Conditions) [1994] 2 FLR 577 Re MA (Care Threshold) [2009] EWCA Civ 853 Re O and N (Children) (Non-accidental injury) [2003] 1 FCR 673 Re O (A Minor) (Care Order: Education: Procedure) [1992] 4 All ER 905 Re P (Care Proceedings) [2012] EWCA Civ 401 Re S-B (Children) [2009] UKSC 17 Re T (A Child) (Care Order) [2009] 2 FCR 367 Statutes and statutory instruments Adoption and Children Act 2002 Children Act 1989 Children Act 2004 Children and Families Act 2014 Secondary Sources Books Herring J, Family Law (6th edition, Pearson Education Ltd, 2013) Harris-Short S and Miles J, Family Law: Text, Cases and Materials (2nd edition, Oxford University Press, 2011) Journal articles Bainham A, ‘Striking the Balance in Child Protection’ [2009] CLJ 42 Hayes M, ‘Uncertain Evidence and Risk-Taking in Child Protection Cases’ [2004] CLFQ 63 Keating H, ‘Shifting Standards in the House Of Lords’ [1996] CFLQ 157 Lowe N and Cobley C, ‘The statutory â€Å"threshold† under Section 31 of the Children Act 1989-time to take a stock’ LQR 396 Masson J, ‘Reforming Care Proceedings- Time for a Review’ [2007] CLFQ 411 Websites Department for Education, ‘Landmark Children and Families Act 2014 gains royal assent’ (Press release, 13 March 2014)

Friday, October 25, 2019

Androstenedione Essay -- essays research papers

Androstenedione-the truth comes out Androstenedione entered the national spotlight in the summer of 1998, when Baseball home run record-holder Mark McGwire told reporters that he used The supplement to improve his performance. Since McGwire's admission a Little more than 18 months ago, androstenedione use has increased 500% According to a recent press release by Barry McCaffrey, director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy. Manufacturers claim that "Andro," as the supplement is commonly known, Boosts the body's natural testosterone levels and increases Muscle-building ability. Body-builders tout it as a natural alternative to Anabolic steroids. Nevertheless, questions remain about the efficacy and Safety of this widely available substance, which is currently unregulated By the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Androstenedione is a steroid hormone that is part of what is called the Production pathway for testosterone. Testosterone promotes muscle growth, But it also increases body hair, can cause acne, and enhances growth of The prostate gland. Some believe that higher levels may adversely affect Cholesterol levels and cardiovascular health. Manufacturers claim that Andro boosts testosterone levels, allowing Weightlifters to increase muscle mass without resorting to synthetic Steroid injections. Andro is touted as "natural" because it is normally Made in the adrenal glands and testes. Anabolic steroids are synthetic Derivatives of testosterone not found in the body. In theory, Andro Supplements are converted to natural testosterone in the body. Despite a lack of persuasive evidence that Andro can actually Boost muscle mass, the supplement has been heavily marketed And is widely used by athletes and body-builders. Despite a lack of persuasive evidence that Andro can actually boost muscle Mass, the supplement has been heavily marketed and is widely used by Athletes and body-builders. Nevertheless, according to a study by Douglas S. King, PhD, and colleagues At Iowa State University, androstenedione does not appear to help build Muscle or increase blood testosterone levels. Published in the June 2, 1999, issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), the Study compared testosterone levels in 20 young men who were on a moderate 8-week muscle-training regimen. Half of the subj... ...tes. Most of the subjects In King's study were relative newcomers to weight training, and such Inexperienced weight trainers generally make impressive gains in the early Phase of resistance training. Those gains could overshadow, statistically, Any potential benefit from androstenedione. As Yesalis notes in his editorial, "Future studies may need to focus on The effects of a higher dose of androstenedione administered over a period Longer than 8 weeks." Dr. Yesalis concludes with a call for government review of the supplement. "In the case of androstenedione," he writes, "the study by King et al Contributes to the evidence suggesting that the government should Carefully consider intervening and remove androstenedione and its Derivatives from the market." Meanwhile, in light of the potential health hazards and lack of evidence For androstenedione's muscle-building power, consumers should proceed with Caution and consult a physician before traveling this largely unmarked road. ANDROS-D (Andro) Ingredients: Each capsule contains Pure Micronzed Androstenedione - 100mg. Zinc - 15mg. Bioperine - 2.5mg. Suggested Use: Take 1-2 capsules daily.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Online vs. Traditional Education Essay

Have you ever had the opportunity to take online classes? Have you even heard of online classes? If you haven’t, you are missing out on a great opportunity. Online education is rapidly becoming a popular alternative to traditional education. It is offering more flexibility for students and providing individuals with better opportunities for postsecondary education. Even though traditional education has been the only form of education for hundreds of years, online education offers a new and improved style of learning. When people think of education, they think of a classroom filled with desks, paper, books, and other students. After all, this is how humans have been taught for generations. This is an example of traditional education. Traditional education is when students attend a school and are taught in a formal classroom setting. There is an instructor that teaches the class by giving demonstrations or by lecturing. It allows the students to have face-to-face interaction with the instructor or their fellow students. Traditional education has never been very flexible. There are scheduled times for class and working around that schedule can prove to be difficult. Often times, life events can conflict with the class schedule. This can cause students to miss class and fall behind in their work. While traditional education is not very flexible, online education is. Online education is the use of technology to share educational information and to teach students. It often only requires a computer and an Internet connection. The classroom setting of an online education can be anywhere. You can work from the comfort of your own home or while you are at the library. As long as you have access to a computer with Internet, you can go to school. In many situations, you can also complete the school work on your own time. That way if something comes up at the last minute, you still have the ability to complete your school work without losing points. It also allows students to continue to work at their job while taking classes. This is a very nice convenience to have, especially for individuals who have a family or have a job to work around. Online education can also be much cheaper than traditional education. It is not uncommon for tuition at online schools to be lower than that of a traditional school, although this is certainly not true of all online programs. In addition, costs associated with things like commuting, classroom supplies, and housing are not relevant in an online learning environment. Some programs may not require students to purchase textbooks or provide the material online. Usually, students can download all of their materials needed for class, such as assignments or textbooks, straight from their online classroom. The lower costs of an online education are a key factor for its rising popularity. Another large factor to consider when choosing a form of education is the availability of resources. Most traditional schools have a vast amount of resources. They often have at least one library, science labs, computer labs, and other resources that make the learning experience easier. The only problem is that some of these resources have limited access. They are only open during certain hours and may even be closed some days. This reduces a student’s flexibility and may affect their ability to complete work on time. Online education, on the other hand, offers resources that are available 24/7. The resources are all online, so there is no need to have a closing time or open hours. They are at the students’ fingertips and only require the click of a button. They may even offer more resources than you would find at a traditional school. Resources such as a free plagiarism checker or a grammar review are usually not available to students in a traditional classroom setting. These resources can give online students the upper hand in education and will allow them to perform at a higher level. The biggest difference between traditional and online education is the method of communication. In traditional education, everything is face-to-face. The students interact with the teacher directly and the discussion occurs only in the classroom. This face-to-face interaction allows the students to build social skills and form relationships with other classmates. The only downfall there is with this method is that once the class is over, it can be difficult to contact the instructor if a question or problem would arise. In online education, communication is much different. Students can be thousands of miles apart and live in different time zones. Therefore there cannot be any face-to-face interaction. Instead, online education relies on instant messaging through a forum. It is very similar to a chat room. This is where the majority of the communication takes place. Students can communicate with the instructor and with each other by posting messages and waiting for a reply. This makes it very easy to get a hold of other people, no matter the time of day. The downfall with this method is that sometimes it can take a while before you receive a reply. However, online courses require a certain amount of participation so the question will be addressed before too long. Many people question the amount of work that online students do. Some even say that online colleges should not be as credible as traditional universities. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Online education shares many of the same requirements expected by traditional schools. Online students write research papers, have to create projects, and take finals just like any other student. In fact, many online schools have traditional campuses and have the same requirements for both campus and online students. It does not matter which form of education an individual chooses. They will be required to do the same amount of work in order to attain their degree. For years I thought traditional education was the only way to go. I was a firm believer in the traditional ways and never thought that you could get the same education by sitting on a computer. Now that I have experience in both forms of education, I can see why so many people are switching to online programs. The flexibility of online classes and the vast amount of resources make it more user friendly than ever before. The popularity of online education is on the rise and will continue to increase as more people switch from the traditional ways.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

College Tuition Essay

In today’s society, the idea of a college education has become less of an option and more of a necessary requirement and is commonly considered the only way to acquire a successful career and life. There are many careers, in which a college education is not technically necessary, that can often be just as or even more successful. With the cost of college tuition increasing with every passing year, the controversy of whether college is really worth the cost and burden is growing too. If our society wants to continue displaying a college education as somewhat of a necessity for success, I believe the cost of it should shift to being a more realistic price, suitable for the majority of students striving to go to college. Most high school students feel pressure by not only the family, but also peers and teaching faculty to go to college because it’s â€Å"the smart thing to do†, but some may be hesitant to choose the college route because they believe their experiences will be different and the benefits of getting the job and making all their money back won’t apply to them. Economic research concludes that more students would gain from college rather than opting out from it, and choosing a different route. Yes, there are many careers that require little or no further education after high school that may be considered successful jobs, such as construction and more hands on jobs, but it is averaged that over a lifetime those who attend college make about $500,000 more than those who do not. â€Å"Seven out of ten college seniors (71%) who graduated last year had student loan debt, with an average of $29,400 per borrower. From 2008 to 2012 debt at graduation †¦ increased an average rate of six percent each year. † (The Project of Student Debt). With all of the debts, not covered by either scholarships or financial aid, accumulated over the course of an individual’s schooling, the amount of additional money made becomes less substantial; if the tuition and fees were to decrease, the additional money made would not be as affected. The costs to attend two of the leading universities in Oregon, University of Oregon and Oregon State, for four years averages at about $88,000, and that doesn’t even include everyday personal expenses. For non-residents that price is more than doubled that of a resident student. â€Å"In 1980, it cost an  average of about $56,000 (adjusting for inflation) to attend a university for four years. This figure includes tuition, fees, and the â€Å"opportunity cost,† or income one foregoes to attend school instead of holding a job. (This figure excludes room and board: one must eat and sleep whether she is in college or not. ) In 2010, four years of college cost more than $82,000, a nearly 50 percent increase over that 30-year period. †(Brookings Institute). Sure there are many scholarships and financial aid a student is able to apply for, but with so many students applying for such scholarships, you’re chances of receiving them become slimmer. A lot of scholarships also do not benefit students as a whole and either target minorities, athletes, or financial aid students. Community college is also a viable option for many, but is often looked down upon. You don’t often hear a high school student say â€Å"I want to go to a community college† or â€Å"I can’t wait to go to a community college† with loads of enthusiasm. Not only do students and their families look down upon going to a community college, but teachers as well think lesser of community colleges and often express their opinions out loud. This makes students look at community colleges as less of a viable option and more of a last option. When applying for jobs, it also looks a lot more prestigious when it is shown that one attended a university rather than a community college. Although most colleges may not consider ways to lower the costs of college, there are many ways in which a lower tuition and overall price is possible. One direct contribution to the costs of schooling is the professor’s salary. Many college educators do not actually deserve the amount of money they make. Teachers should receive a salary that accurately reflects how affective the professor is at teaching. College fees also include unnecessary additions that are not required and could easily be taken off, such as gym memberships, recreation center memberships, and other additional bonuses that are not essential. Also, although I’m a student-athlete as well, the amount of money given away in scholarships just to play sports at that school has become a bit ridiculous. If the amount of money for scholarships went back into the school directly, the cost of tuition would decrease, and the need for those said scholarships would decrease as well. It is apparent that student athletes are held to a higher regard than other students. Often, you see students that are all-state athletes that get decent grades receive more money and â€Å"special treatment† in comparison to a student that does not do related extra-curricular activities, yet gets exceedingly high grades. This is not fair in any way; the elimination or decrease of athletic scholarships given out would eliminate the inequality commonly displayed throughout colleges. College tuition is at an outrageous high right now and is not showing many signs of decreasing. The costs of college and sending a student off to college have become much of a burden for many families across America. With how necessary getting a college education is considered, the cost of it all should shift to a more suitable price. The shift would be very difficult to achieve, and would be a very long process, but I do believe it is possible, not only for my generation, but the next several generations of students on the path to attend college. Work Cited Page: Greenstone, Michael, and Adam Looney. â€Å"Regardless of the Cost, College Still Matters. † The Brookings Institution. The Hamilton Project, 05 Oct. 2012. Web. 31 Oct. 2014. . â€Å"Student Financial Aid and Scholarships. † Cost of Attendance. University of Oregon, n. d. Web. 31 Oct. 2014. . â€Å"Financial Aid and Scholarships. † Cost of Attendance. Oregon State University, n. d. Web. 31 Oct. 2014. . â€Å"State by State Data. † Project on Student Debt:. The Project on Student Debt, 2013. Web. 31 Oct. 2014. .

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Kodak

"To compete in today's world, we needed a business model that allows us to make full use of our assets. These changes put us on a path to achieving that goal." - Kodak Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Daniel A. Carp. BACKGROUND The Eastman Kodak Company was founded in 1880 as a full-service photography company, manufacturing cameras and film that the customer returned to Kodak for processing and printing. The company now employs approximately 100,000 people worldwide, with approximately 39,000 of those in the Rochester, NY, area. PAST PROBLEMS Kodak’s problems included:  · Unrelated diversification;  · Long-term under-performance in its core businesses; and  · Poor long-term strategy. CURRENT STRATEGY Kodak’s goal is to be the number one or number two positions in markets where rates of return consistently exceed the cost of capital. In 2001 Kodak announced a new strategy: to tackle digital imaging head on. Their action is based on the knowledge that demand for traditional products is declining, especially in developed markets. Kodak’s chairman and chief executive Daniel Carp had the following to say on this topic, "Given this reality, we are moving fast - as digital markets demand - to transform our business portfolio, with an emphasis on digital commercial markets. The digital world is full of opportunity for Kodak, and we intend to lead it, as we have led innovation in the imaging industry for more than a century." PAST ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE Previously, businesses shared those responsibilities, which affect sales and earnings with the company's Global Operations division and other corporate-wide departments, an arrangement that increased complexity and cost while reducing accountability. This structure could be considered a bureaucracy approach, which has certain shortfalls such as: functional unit goals can override the overall goals of the organization and obsessive concern ... Free Essays on Kodak Free Essays on Kodak "To compete in today's world, we needed a business model that allows us to make full use of our assets. These changes put us on a path to achieving that goal." - Kodak Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Daniel A. Carp. BACKGROUND The Eastman Kodak Company was founded in 1880 as a full-service photography company, manufacturing cameras and film that the customer returned to Kodak for processing and printing. The company now employs approximately 100,000 people worldwide, with approximately 39,000 of those in the Rochester, NY, area. PAST PROBLEMS Kodak’s problems included:  · Unrelated diversification;  · Long-term under-performance in its core businesses; and  · Poor long-term strategy. CURRENT STRATEGY Kodak’s goal is to be the number one or number two positions in markets where rates of return consistently exceed the cost of capital. In 2001 Kodak announced a new strategy: to tackle digital imaging head on. Their action is based on the knowledge that demand for traditional products is declining, especially in developed markets. Kodak’s chairman and chief executive Daniel Carp had the following to say on this topic, "Given this reality, we are moving fast - as digital markets demand - to transform our business portfolio, with an emphasis on digital commercial markets. The digital world is full of opportunity for Kodak, and we intend to lead it, as we have led innovation in the imaging industry for more than a century." PAST ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE Previously, businesses shared those responsibilities, which affect sales and earnings with the company's Global Operations division and other corporate-wide departments, an arrangement that increased complexity and cost while reducing accountability. This structure could be considered a bureaucracy approach, which has certain shortfalls such as: functional unit goals can override the overall goals of the organization and obsessive concern ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

ocean current essays

ocean current essays El Nino has been a reoccurring phenomenon for centuries. Man has only started to realize how much of the worlds weather is effected by it. The term El Nino refers to an irregular warming of the seas surface. During the last 40 years there have been 10 significant El Nino occurrences. Most affecting the coast of South America. Water temperatures increase along the coast as far as the Galapagos islands. Weak events will raise the water temperature 2 to 4 degrees Celsius and will have minor impact on fishing. However strong events such as the 1982-83 event will disrupt climate conditions around the world as well as local conditions. It has been linked to floods and droughts all over the world. Hurricanes and tropical storms are also altered in their numbers by El Nino. Therefore it would be very helpful for people if El Nino could be predicted and prepared for in some form. During a El Nino cycle there are many biological changes. Due to a depressed thermocline there is less photosynthetic activity resulting in a decrease in the primary life forms that form the beginning of the food chain. The warmer waters that are brought by these changing cycles hold less dissolved oxygen forcing fish to go deeper or venture elsewhere. Due to a lack of data during El Nino occurrences it is not fully known if fish populations are depleted solely due to exposure to El Nino. A decrease in their growth and reproductive success has been observed by many surveys in coastal waters. The link between climatic effects around the world and El Nino is now well established. It has taken many years of studying to understand how the pieces of the puzzle, from ocean currents to winds and heavy rains fit together. During the 1920s a scientist was on assignment in India trying to predict the Asian monsoons. As he sorted through his records he discovered a connection between barometer readings at stations on the eastern and western sides o...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

10 Lead Element Facts (Pb or Atomic Number 82)

10 Lead Element Facts (Pb or Atomic Number 82) Lead is a heavy metal you encounter in everyday life in solder, stained glass windows, and possibly your drinking water. Here are 10 lead element facts. Fast Facts: Lead Element Name: LeadElement Symbol: PbAtomic Number: 82Atomic Weight: 207.2Element Category: Basic Metal or Post-Transition MetalAppearance: Lead is a metallic gray solid at room temperature.Electron Configuration:  [Xe] 4f14  5d10  6s2  6p2Oxidation State: The most common oxidation state is 2, followed by 4. The 3, 1, 1-, 2-, and 4- states also occur. Interesting Lead Element Facts Lead has atomic number 82, which means each lead atom has 82 protons. This is the highest atomic number for the stable elements. Natural lead consists of a mixture of 4 stable isotopes, although radioisotopes also exist. The element name lead comes from the Anglo-Saxon word for the metal.  Its chemical symbol is Pb, which is based on the word plumbum, the old Latin name for lead.Lead is a considered a basic metal or post-transition metal. It is a shiny blue-white metal when freshly cut, but oxidizes to a dull gray in air. It is a shiny chrome-silver when melted. While lead is dense, ductile, and malleable like many other metals, several of its properties are not what one would consider metallic. For example, the metal has a low melting point (327.46  oC)  and is a poor conductor of electricity.Lead is one of the metals that was known to ancient man. It is sometimes called the first metal (although the ancients also knew gold silver, and other metals). Alchemists associated the metal with the planet Saturn and quested for a way to transmute lead into gold. Over half the lead produced today is used in lead-acid car batteries. While lead does occur (rarely) in nature in its pure form, most of the lead produced today comes from recycled batteries. Lead is found in the mineral galena (PbS) and ores of copper, zinc, and silver.  Lead is highly toxic. The element primarily affects the central nervous system. It is particularly dangerous to babies and children, where lead exposure can stunt development. Lead is a cumulative poison. Unlike many toxins, there really is no safe exposure level to lead, even though it is present in many common materials.Lead is the only metal which exhibits zero Thomson effect. In other words, when an electrical current is passed through a sample of lead, heat is neither absorbed nor released.While modern scientists can readily distinguish most elements, it used to be difficult to tell lead and tin apart because the two metals share so many similar properties. So, for a long time the two elements were considered to be different forms of the same metal. The ancient Romans referred to lead as plumbum nigrum, which means black lead. They called tin plumbum candidum, which means bright lead. Wood pencils have never actually contained lead, even though lead is soft enough it could be used for writing. Pencil lead is a type of graphite the Romans called  plumbago, which means act for lead. The name stuck, even though the two materials are different. Lead is, however, related to graphite. Graphite is a form or allotrope of carbon. Lead belongs to the carbon family of elements.There are countless uses for lead. Because of its high corrosion resistance, the ancient Romans used it for plumbing. While this sounds like a dangerous practice, hard water forms scale inside pipes, lessening exposure to the toxic element. Even in modern times, lead solder has been common for welding plumbing fixtures. Lead has been added to gasoline to reduce engine knock, to face paints and paints used for toys and buildings, and even in cosmetics and foods (in the past) to add a sweet flavor. It is used to make stained glass, leaded crystal, fishing sinkers, radiation shields, bullets, scuba weig hts, roofing, ballasts, and statues. While once common as a paint additive and pesticide, lead compounds are less commonly used now because of their lingering toxicity. The sweet taste of the compounds makes them attractive to children and pets. The abundance of lead in the Earths crust is  14 parts per million by weight. The abundance in the solar system is  10 parts per billion by weight.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Khomeini vs. the International Community Research Paper

Khomeini vs. the International Community - Research Paper Example The consequences and the overall aftermath of the crisis shall be evaluated. This paper is being carried out in order to establish a clear understanding of the US-Iran relations, especially during Khomeini rule and after the Iran hostage crisis. Iranian Revolution The Iranian revolution involves the overthrow of the Pahlavi dynasty under the reign of Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. Demonstrations and protests were started in October 1977 mostly against what was viewed by the people as the oppressive and corrupt regime of Pahlavi (Kurzman, 2004). These protests escalated into a widespread civil disturbance leading into January 1978. These strikes severely compromised the stability of the country and culminated in the exile of Pahlavi by January of 1979 (Kurzman, 2004). Two weeks later, Ayatollah Khomeini returned to Iran and the regime of Pahlavi collapsed a month after Khomeini’s return. After a few months, a referendum was held and resulted in the establishment of the Islamic Rep ublic under Khomeini’s Supreme Leadership (Kurzman, 2004). ...His ideas, however, were largely objected to by the international community, especially in the face of human rights violations and other actions which were against international human rights and related laws. Khomeini was in exile before the revolution broke out, and when he finally returned to Iran, it was to a victorious revolution and to the highest political seat in Iran. He was lauded as a political and religious leader. Even if he was not involved directly in the revolution, he was a major part of it (Moin, 2000). His letters and messages spurred the revolutionary ideals of the Iranians who were not faring well under American-supported Shah Pavlavi. Khomeini, in other words, represented a leader for Iran who was committed to the revolutionary ideas, which the people were clamoring for (Chauvel, 1979). Hostage crisis background Before the US-supported Shah of Iran was deposed in 1979, Iran relations and the US were more or less diplomatic (Christopher and Mosk, 2007). At that point, the US considered itself an ally of Iran and the Shah. President Carter was especially expressive of his support for the Shah, even if in actuality, the latter was highly disfavored by the people (Scott, 2000). The revolution by the people against the Shah eventually led to the unseating of the Shah. The US persisted in its support for Shah Pavlavi by allowing him entry into the US for cancer treatment. However this backfired on the U.S. at it led to strong anti-American sentiments from the people of Iran who wanted the Shah to be returned to their country to face trial for his crimes against his people (Scott, 2000).

Friday, October 18, 2019

The case of banjo jones and his blog Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The case of banjo jones and his blog - Essay Example A second important fact of this case is that the writer of the web blog, Steve Olafson, was a journalist working for the Houston Chronicle. This is important because Mr. Olafson was a very talented writer that brought to the public very great information. He was able to provide powerful insights and opinions which other normal blogs lacked since many webmasters did not have the education and years of experienced Steve possessed. Many politicians, business owners and other publishing houses wanted to know the identity of Bango Jones. A third key fact of the case was that Mr. Olafson was fired by the Houston Chronicle for expressing his opinions on the internet. The newspaper violated Steve’s freedom of speech, which is very ironic since newspapers are in business because of freedom of speech protections. A missing fact in this case is whether the claim that Steve used the blog to constantly attack politicians and institutions such as Dennis restaurant were true. The majority of the material of the website was column writing in which Steve’s prefer topics were stories about neighborhood kids, baseball and other sport coverage (Orlowski, 2002). Another important missing fact is the ultimate consequence of Steve actions. Did he ever serve jail time for his alleged bridge of confidentiality? The answer is no, Steve served jailed time around that time for an unrelated matter concerning protection of a source from the Eastern Post, a decision which was later overturned by the judge (Orlowski, 2002). A third missing fact is if Steve Olafson and the Houston Chronicles became enemies. They did not become enemies. Three years later the new administration at the Houston Chronicles created a corporate web blog and included Steve’s blog as a link within the website claiming that St eve Olafson was a great journalist and reporter (Jossip,

Essentials of Customer Service Improvement for Leisure Customers Dissertation

Essentials of Customer Service Improvement for Leisure Customers - Dissertation Example Managers are an important part of the hotel industry, especially food managers; they are essential for improvement in their relevant field. Their suggestions should be considered and implemented if possible as they are very much related and close to the task. We looked at latest technologies such as the internet and email, and suggestions of getting the advantage of these prevalent technologies will be provided to the leisure customer for earning more profit and giving them extra ordinary service all times, so that retention of old customer may be possible as the retention is more important then acquiring new customers.   The future of the hotel industry customers and how the luxury hotels can improve their customers will also be reviewed in the paper. With the help of good customer service we can boom up hotel business, as this business is client based business that grows steadily. If good service is not adopted it may provide harm to the business to the extent. Good customer serv ice has effects on the hotel business; we do not need the help/services of mathematician to judge the impact of good service on the hotel business. Suppose if some clients have positive experience in terms of customer service in a hotel, they will talk about their experience and praise the services of the hotel, which will work as mouth advertisement for the hotel reputation and goodwill.   The use of words please, thank you with a smile on your face will make the customer happy which he will tell to his family members and friends.

An interventional approach for patient and nurse safety Dissertation

An interventional approach for patient and nurse safety - Dissertation Example The theoretical framework that was used in this study was the model of impaired sleep developed by Lee et al. The framework is based on a scientific theory (Burns & Grove, 2009) as it uses previous research linking sleep quality with errors and lack of alertnessTheoretical Model Discussion The theoretical framework is clearly discussed as having a direct significance with the research topic It is stated impaired sleep consists of either sleep deprivation (inadequate sleep) or sleep disruption (fragmented sleep). The model implies that impaired sleep results in cognitive, behavioural, physiological, social, and emotional responses. The paper elaborates how a targeted fatigue countermeasures program for nurses (FCMPN) can intervene and prevent or alleviate the cognitive and behavioural impacts (like sleep duration, daytime sleepiness, and alertness) and reduce patient-care errors. The following figure from the paper captures the conceptual and the theoretical framework employed: The fr amework is therefore discussed well to outline what variables are to be measured pre and post the FCMPN intervention. 2. Major Study Variables Research Variables: 1. Sleep Quality 2. Sleep Duration 3. Daytime Sleepiness 4. Vigilance 5. Risk for Accidents and Errors 6. Short Term Memory 7. Problem Solving and Coping. Conceptual Definition Sleep Duration was defined as the time duration that participants spent in uninterrupted sleep. Sleep Quality was clearly conceptualized to mean sleep which is not fragmented and which is of adequate duration. While the remaining variables were not clearly defined, conceptually they could be understood to mean the following: Daytime Sleepiness – tendency to doze during the daytime work-hours Vigilance – Drowsiness and Unplanned Sleep Episodes during work hours Risk for Errors – Any perceived deviations from standard practice Short Term Memory – Recall of errors Problem Solving and Coping – How errors were managed O perational Definition Sleep Duration was measured using the log book entries made by the participants. Sleep Quality was measured using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index PSQI (Buysse, Reynolds, Monk, Berman, & Kupfer, 1989). Daytime Sleepiness was measured using Epworth Sleepiness Scale (Johns, 1991) while other variables (Vigilance, Risk for Accidents and Errors, Short Term Memory, Problem Solving and Coping) were measured using the log book entries using the self-report method 3. Sample and Setting a. Sample Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria Full-Time Hospital Staff Surgical nurses were used as the sample. In addition, the selection criteria included that the nurses should be working at least 36 hour per week. Advanced practice nurses, nurse managers, or nurses in specialized roles such as discharge planning were excluded. b. Sampling Method The paper mentions using three surgical nursing units in Michigan using convenience method for selection, though the rationale or the specific fa ctors that led to the selection of the method is not listed. The qualifying nurses were contacted using the official mailing list and out of the 126, 62 consented to participate in the research. c. Sample Size 62 Power analysis indicated that 30 sample size would be sufficient to establish the impacts of FCMPN on the variables that are researched. d. Refusal to Participate Number and Percentage 62 out of the 147 full-time hospital staff nurses (43%). e. Sample attrition or Mortality Number and Percentage Out of the 62 selected for participation, 15 (24%) did not continue with the study for the complete duration. f. Informed Consent Process/Institutional Review Board The 147 nurses that comprised of the qualified the inclusion criteria were sent a preliminary survey to provide demographic information and give their interest to participate. Once the intent of

Thursday, October 17, 2019

BIO100A Home Lab 2 Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

BIO100A Home 2 - Lab Report Example The pine cone protects the seeds from the water logging by covering them with the woody scales. The seed cone was kept in a cup of water and the change in the cone appearance was observed. d) Record: time out of water: 5 minutes. The seed cone appearance: more swollen and the woody scales of the cone are soft and comes out easily when touched up. The color of the seed cone has changed. Since the scales are soft, the seeds are now getting exposed. There are small pores visible to the naked eye in the cross section of the celery stalk. They are juicy and filled with water. This concludes that there are xylem tubes present in the stalk to carry plentiful water within it. Seed dispersal is very important for the plants for many reasons. The most important thing is that they enable the seeds to grow in a habitat that is away from the parent plant and they increase the survival rate of the seeds. The seeds are dispersed to different environmental conditions and the plant variety is dispersed to different regions. The survival rate of the seed increase as they receive food with less competition. The seeds also get the chance to land on the soil for better growth. (Lawson, 2001). Gymnosperms use wind, water and rain, animals to disperse the seeds. Some gymnosperms such as red wood require fire to release the seeds. Fire is used by a means by the redwood to ensure nutrient for the seedlings and less competition from the environment for the growth of the seed. The gymnosperms have wings for the dispersal of the seeds. The nuts in the pine are spread by the nut-eating animals too. Angiosperms are more diverse in their types and population. The seeds of angiosperms are very light and have fluffy wind spread seeds or winger seeds. Some angiosperms use sea route, flooding forests, large animals and wind. Redwoods release the seed only after a fire. The female cones are tightly packed and preserved as such for

Individual Privacy vs. National Security Research Paper

Individual Privacy vs. National Security - Research Paper Example The importance of individual privacy vs. national security has attracted the interest of researchers from various academic fields. This is a broad research topic that requires to be narrowed down for it to become a manageable research topic (Sole, 2010). Narrowing down the topic to a manageable level was carried out in the first phase of the project. The second phase of the research involved discovering or finding relevant sources of information for the research topic. By an analysis of the research problem, the scope of the research project was established. The analysis of the problem established that the recent terrorist threats have contributed to the debate of personal privacy vs. national security. These findings led to the claim that national security could only be realized with limited flow of information. The research project aimed at establishing whether the proposed antiterrorism measures will compromise individual privacy. This paper therefore, analyzes how enhancing natio nal security has compromised individual privacy. The paper follows directly from the previous work on individual privacy vs. national security. Fighting terrorists are the responsibility of the federal government; however, the government has responsibilities towards its people. For the government to achieve an appropriate balance between the two responsibilities, it needs to consider their long-term implications. The federal government also needs to establish which issue is of considerable importance to the country. The assessment phase of the project proved that invasion of people’s privacy concerned the people more than issue of national security. This did not imply that people were ignorant on the security concerns in the country and about the recent terrorist threats. People have direct interests in individual privacy as compared to their interest on matters of national security. Unlike matters of national security, invasion of personal privacy has direct impacts on the p eople. During the assessment phase of the research project, it was established that the federal government considered national security more valuable than people’s privacy. This implies that the government lacked concerns over long-term implication of invading personal privacy in expense of fighting terrorism. According to the openness, privacy, and national security debate bulletin, the government needs to reconsider its actions (Hardin, 2003). It was established that the government took extreme measures to fight terrorism after the September 11, 2001 attacks. The government, therefore, needed to reconsider its actions by enhancing people’s privacy despite the immediate needs to fight terrorism. This is because the measures taken by the government to fights terrorism had more negativity and less positive impacts. The measure taken by the government was also unrealistic since terrorism cannot be eliminated overnight. The people are more beneficial to the country than n ational security. This is because national security is meant to improve people’s livelihood and, therefore the government should enhance national security according to the interests of the people. Personal privacy is of interest to the people and, therefore invasion of personal privacy should be of interest to the federal government. The American government has a duty to the people as well as the country. The government also has international objectives that the country must achieve. The position

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

BIO100A Home Lab 2 Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

BIO100A Home 2 - Lab Report Example The pine cone protects the seeds from the water logging by covering them with the woody scales. The seed cone was kept in a cup of water and the change in the cone appearance was observed. d) Record: time out of water: 5 minutes. The seed cone appearance: more swollen and the woody scales of the cone are soft and comes out easily when touched up. The color of the seed cone has changed. Since the scales are soft, the seeds are now getting exposed. There are small pores visible to the naked eye in the cross section of the celery stalk. They are juicy and filled with water. This concludes that there are xylem tubes present in the stalk to carry plentiful water within it. Seed dispersal is very important for the plants for many reasons. The most important thing is that they enable the seeds to grow in a habitat that is away from the parent plant and they increase the survival rate of the seeds. The seeds are dispersed to different environmental conditions and the plant variety is dispersed to different regions. The survival rate of the seed increase as they receive food with less competition. The seeds also get the chance to land on the soil for better growth. (Lawson, 2001). Gymnosperms use wind, water and rain, animals to disperse the seeds. Some gymnosperms such as red wood require fire to release the seeds. Fire is used by a means by the redwood to ensure nutrient for the seedlings and less competition from the environment for the growth of the seed. The gymnosperms have wings for the dispersal of the seeds. The nuts in the pine are spread by the nut-eating animals too. Angiosperms are more diverse in their types and population. The seeds of angiosperms are very light and have fluffy wind spread seeds or winger seeds. Some angiosperms use sea route, flooding forests, large animals and wind. Redwoods release the seed only after a fire. The female cones are tightly packed and preserved as such for

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Human psyche Essay Example for Free

Human psyche Essay The urge to compete is a large part of the human psyche. When this sense of competitiveness is taken to the extreme, a war may erupt. Throughout the history of humanity wars have been waged, even before the advent of writing, when poets where there to capture their essence. The epic poem The Iliad by Homer describes a war that took place almost two thousand, seven hundred years ago. The Greek society in which Homer lived was considered more violent than any in existence today. This gave him all the inspiration needed to create an epic war poem. By revealing to the reader the futility and horror of war, Homers Iliad offers an excellent critique of society, more specifically the fragility of human civilization and the savagery of human nature, when under the extreme pressures of combat. This masterful piece of literature, although written in many centuries ago, has much insight on ancient Greek society that can still be applied, with a modern twist, to todays world. The style Homer used in his epic poem was unconventional and highly successful. Compared to many other novels or poem of its time, as well as most modern pieces of literature, The Iliad is much longer. This both helps and hinders the texts ability to convey the messages and meanings of war. In order to capture and preserve the audiences interest during such a long poem, Homer took the reader on adventures beyond the Trojan battle field and into the life of each individual solider. By doing this, the reader feels drawn into the story and shares the horrors and futility the Greeks faced during the Trojan War. A large part of Homers work is dedicated to war and battle scenes. The main reason for this is because many believed Greek society, which took place seven hundred years before Christ, was brutally violent. Fighting was an everyday occurrence and brought honour among the warriors. The Greek gods did not dissipate the violent society; in fact they encouraged it by demanding animal s acrifices as part of daily rituals. It is this bloodlust, along with Homers original style, that has made The Iliad popular and highly influential to this day. War stories depict, through their graphic imagery, the horrors and tragedies taking place during a battle and The Iliad is no exception. The Iliad is most effective at portraying the futility and horrors of war throughout the text with all the gory details. Homer does an excellent job at capturing the realism of each battle scene in over five thousand lines of prose, nearly one third of the poem. As critic Martin Muller points out in Fighting in the Iliad the poet and his audience like such [battle] scenes and their periodic occurrence require no greater motivation then bar-room brawls in a Western. The following quote illustrates Homers ability to evoke graphic images during a battle:  The shaft pierced the tight belts twisted thongs,  piercing the blazoned plates, piercing the guard  he wore to shield his loins and block the spears,  his best defense-the shaft pierced even this,  the tip of the weapon grazed the mans flesh,  and dark blood came spurting from the wound. (pg149, p2) This quote gives the reader a clear image of what is happening as the shaft wounds the unfortunate soldier. Homer also adds to the horrors of the war by telling us about the history of each individual solider before their death. With about two hundred and fifty names in the text, all with individual stories behind their life or death, the story may become murky but never unemotional. Many times a character will be introduced only to be killed off within the same chapter. This adds to the death, destruction and ultimately the horror of the war the Greeks and the Trojans are fighting. As well as reminding the reader of the horrors of war, Homer tells of the futility of fighting such a bloody battle. The sense of frustration and futility of the war is clearly sown as the Greeks fight the Trojans for more than nine years on end. With war comes death, a fact that resounds throughout the Iliad:  While Euchenor knew that boarding the ships for Troy  meant certain death: his father told him so  time and again the strong old prophet said that  hed die in his own halls of a fatal plague  or go with the ships and die at Trojan hands. (pg362, p3) In this quote, describing the life of a solider before he is killed, we see that his efforts during the war appear pointless. He could have met a similar dishonourable death by staying home and enjoying his life. Death represents the futility of fighting a war because it is the only guaranteed result. Monarch Notes tells that since death is a constant presence in life we may better see how men value their lives when they are close to that presence. Homer does an excellent job of bringing the reader down to the battle so that the futility of war can be closely felt.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Importance Of Gunshot Residue As Evidence

The Importance Of Gunshot Residue As Evidence Gunshot residue is made of particles that form when gasses coming out of a gun hit a surface and instantly cool and condense. The presence or absence of gunshot residue can suggest whether a person fired the weapon or was the victim. There are many tests to show whether or not gunshot residue is present on a surface. The techniques and methods of testing have gotten much more scientifically advanced and more sensitive to minor details. There have also been many experiments to disprove the concerns of gunshot residue testing, such as false positives, transferability, and destruction of evidence. These facts alone disprove many of the arguments that gunshot residue is unreliable and should not be used as a source of evidence. Strengths and Importance of Gunshot Residue as Evidence in Court Cases Firearms are not a rare commodity in the United States, or the world for that matter, and so a basic understanding of what happens when the trigger of a gun is pulled is necessary. Many people know that when the trigger of a weapon is pulled the hammer strikes the back of the bullet casing, which ignites the primer, and creates pressure and heat in the barrel. This pressure buildup is what propels the projectile down the barrel and towards wherever the gun is pointing. The knowledge of what else comes out of the barrel and what happens with it that is not quite as well known. When the primer is struck, the intense heat causes the chemicals in the primer to vaporize and get mixed in with the gasses that are building up. When the projectile is pushed out of the barrel the gasses and the burning and unburned grains of gunpowder travel with the bullet. These gasses hit a surface such as the hands of the shooter, the victim, or surface that is being fired at. The gasses then condensate on the surface, leaving particles that are composed of the chemicals in the primer. This condensation of chemicals is referred to as gunshot residue, or GSR (Wolten Nesbitt, 1980). Gunshot residue has been used for many years as a source of evidence to not only suggest if a person has fired a gun or how far from a surface a gun was fired, but also if a case was a homicide or a suicide. However, there have been disputes over whether or not GSR is a reliable source of evidence. The points brought up in this argument are that gunshot residue tests can have false positives and false negatives, GSR can be transferred from person to person or surface to surface, and that test results can be different and sometimes inconsistent (Wolten Nesbitt, 1980). Over the years the methods of testing for gunshot residue have dramatically improved and become much more scientific. There are much less false positives due to the increased sensitivity of the tests. Research has been done that shows that even though GSR may transfer, investigators can still tell if a person fired a weapon, or just came in contact with it (DiMaio, 1999). There are also many other uses for gunshot residue analysis other then knowing if a person came in contact with a weapon, such as range determination (Saferstein, 2006). The purpose of this paper is to show the strengths and importance of gunshot residue analysis as substantial evidence in criminal court cases. Literature Review In the detection of GSR, DiMaio (1999) states that scanning electron microscope-energy dispersive x-ray spectrometry (SEM-EDX) has a much higher sensitivity because it uses a scanning electron microscope to view questionable GSR particles at a high magnification. Torre, Mattutino, Vasino, and Robino (2004) agree with using SEM-EDX because the technique can distinguish between GSR and brake lining particles. By using an adhesive lifting method the SEM-EDX is even more effective (Nesbitt, Wessel, Jones, 1976). Bird, Agg, Barnett, and Smith (2007) disagree with the use of SEM-EDX. They say that time resolved x-ray fluorescence should be used. On the topic of transferability of gunshot residue, Gialamas, Rhodes, and Sugarman, (1995) states that police officers are very unlikely to transfer GSR to suspects. Vinokurov, Zeichner, Glattstein, Koffman, Levin, and Rosengarten (2001) agree that GSR is not transferred or destroyed very easily with an experiment on the destruction of GSR due to machine washing or brushing. Havekost, Peters, and Koons (1990) state that the investigator also has to look at where the GSR is located on a person to tell if the particles have been transferred or not. Firing distance determination is a common factor in investigations. Saferstein (2006) states that using the Greiss Test method provides a more contrasted view of GSR on a surface. DiMaio (1999) states that using Greiss Test results can help determine whether a case is a homicide or a suicide. Brazeau and Wong (1997) say that using GSR tests can also help determine whether a bullet wound is an entrance or an exit wound. Discussion Detection Methods Gunshot residue detection tests first came to the United States in 1933 in the form of a paraffin test, which was used by covering the hands with paraffin wax and using a color-changing reagent on the wax. Swabs were used instead of wax starting in 1959, but in the 1980s neutron activation and flameless automatic absorption spectrometry (FAAS) were the methods used most commonly. The above methods were effective for the detection of the three main elemental components in GSR, antimony, barium, and lead, but came up with many false positives and negatives (DiMaio, 1999). The occurrence of false negatives and positives is one of the main reasons that gunshot residue is sometimes considered a risky or an unreliable source of evidence. Since the previous tests only tested for the presence of barium, antimony, and lead, any other substance including those elements had the potential to give a false positive result. Defense attorneys could use these false positives as defense tactics to suppress evidence. In the late 1980s a new GSR test, scanning electron microscope-energy dispersive x-ray spectrometry (SEM-EDX), started to be used. SEM-EDX has a much higher sensitivity, because this technique uses a scanning electron microscope to view questionable GSR particles at a high magnification and look at the size and shape of the particles. After particles are found under the microscope, x-ray waves are used to identify the elements on and inside the particles (DiMaio, 1999). Since SEM-EDX allows a person to look at the size and shape of a particle, GSR particles can be distinguished from other environmental or chemical particles that may also appear on the tested surfaces. Being able to differentiate between sources of particles diminishes the false positives to a very few occurrences, if any. This also means that gunshot residue tests and results cannot be as easily disputed in court. The theory of having less false positives has been tested on different occasions to show that using SEM-EDX makes GSR tests more reliable. Research by Torre et al. (2004) shows the results of tests involving particles and residue from the hands of people who work with automobiles. Particles from the brake linings and other moving parts of a car contain barium, lead, and antimony similar to GSR. This experiment proved that SEM-EDX successfully differentiates between gunshot residue and automobile particles using blind tests, which are tests where the person running using the SEM-EDX does not know where the sample came from (Torre et al., 2004). Other tests and experiments included testing to see if SEM-EDX can differentiate between leaded gasoline, which has particles most similar to GSR, and gunshot residue. The experiment was also done in a blind test fashion and was completely successful in further proving the reliability of SEM-EDX (Nesbitt, Wessel, Jones, 1976). Another positive benefit of the scanning electron microscope tests is the methodology of the collection of the samples that was used. Instead of swabbing the hands an adhesive lift is used (Nesbitt et al., 1976). Since an adhesive lift collects the particles in their relative spots it is possible to determine the ratio of particles in a particular surface area. This gives a more accurate distribution and concentration ratio than swabbing a surface and analyzing the number of particles on the swab. The scanning electron microscope-energy dispersive x-ray spectrometry method allows a much longer testing window from the time the gun was fired. With SEM-EDX positive results can be received up to twelve hours after the shooting (DiMaio, 1999). This is because SEM-EDX combines visual inspection of individual particles as well as a mass calculation of the elemental concentrations. There is also another test that can have positive results for as long as thirty-six to forty-eight hours after the gun was fired. This is done with the trace metal detection technique (TMDT), which uses reagents that change colors under a ultraviolet light after they have come in contact with the elements in GSR (DiMaio, 1999). With the newest technological advances, x-ray fluorescence microscopy allows for an even more precise look at GSR particles. This method uses the excited state of particles due to x-rays and investigators observe these particles underneath high powered microscopes. The particles fluoresce and appear brighter then the surface (Bird, Agg, Barnett, Smith, 2007). The fluorescing particles make the visualization of GSR particles much easier and allows for a more specific determination of the spread of the residue. Destruction and Transferability Some people may say that allowing more time to pass between the firing of the weapon and when the sample is collected is a detrimental thing. The extra time allows people to wash their clothes or hands or try to at least wipe them off. This is another point argued by people who say GSR is unreliable. There is always the possibility that a suspect can wash their hands and clothes after firing a weapon. The fear is that once that has been done that there will no longer be particles left to detect. In the experiment published by Vinokurov, et al. (2001), tests were done on clothes that had been machine-washed and other tests on clothes that had been brushed with another piece of material. The tests showed that even though a majority of the GSR particles had been removed, there were still enough particles in some circumstances to get a positive GSR detection (Vinokurov, et al., 2001). The results of this experiment proved that even though investigators may allow more time before testing, there are still chances that investigators can get results even after evidence is washed. Besides washing clothes and hands, there is also the possibility that GSR particles can be transferred to another person or surface by direct contact, or if a person is within a close distance when a gun is fired. Gunshot residue is easily rubbed off or transferred to someone else, which sometimes can make deciding what really happened difficult, but not impossible. Even though gunshot residue can be found on a person who did not fire a weapon, there will be certain circumstances in order to prove they didnt fire the gun. A person standing within a close range can have GSR on them. Although a person will test positive the location of the GSR and the concentrations will be different then if that person pulled the trigger and fired the weapon. For instance, if a person puts their hand out in self-defense of a shooter, there will be residue found on the palm of the hand in but very little if any on the back of the hand. If the person fired the gun, there would be a high concentration on the back of the hand (Havekost, Peters, Koons, 1990). Another situation is one that has been argued by defense attorneys. Defense attorneys say that the GSR that was found on the suspect could have been transferred from the hands of the police officer that arrested them. In theory, this may sound possible, but most officers do not even touch their gun on a daily basis, let alone fire it. In a study published by Gialamas, Rhodes, and Sugarman (1995) police officers that had not fired their weapon over a certain period of time were tested for gunshot residue. Forty-three officers were tested, and out of those officers twenty-five showed absolutely no particles that even resembled GSR. Seventeen officers were found to have particles similar to GSR, but were only environmental contaminates, and three officers were found to have only one particle of GSR (Gialamas, et al., 1995). Even though a couple of the officers showed a particle of GSR, there would have to be a much higher concentration of particles in order to conclude that that officer had fired a weapon. Even if the officer had a GSR particle on them, although possible, the likelihood of touch transfer is extremely small. Even if that particle did transfer when an officer touched a person, the particle would be in a place inconsistent with firing a weapon, such as the shoulder, wrists, back of the neck, etc. Range Determination Gunshot residue analysis can be used for purposes other then determining if a suspect was holding the gun that was fired. Gunshot residue can be used to determine how far away from an object the gun was when it was fired. This is done by the GSR pattern left on the surface of the target. There are other tests that can be used to better develop and lift the residue pattern from a surface. One of the methods that can be used is the Greiss test. This test involves the use of a chemically treated gelatin-coated photograph paper. The paper transfers the residue pattern by reacting with the nitrates in the gunshot residue. After the pattern is transferred off of the target surface test fires are done to match the spread and distribution of the GSR and determine the relative distance of the shooter (Saferstein, 2006). Since the Greiss test can be used on clothes and other target surfaces this technique suggests that gunshot residue is very valuable in the determination of distance. Using gunshot residue as a distance determination can also help determine whether the case is a homicide or a suicide (DiMaio, 1999). Sometimes a homicide can be staged to look like a suicide, usually by placing the gun in the hands of the victim. By using the gunshot residue pattern to determine the distance of the weapon when fired, investigators can tell whether or not the victim was holding the weapon. It is only physically possible for a human to hold a gun aimed at themself a certain distance away from their own body and still be able to pull the trigger. This distance is directly related to the victims arm length. If the range determination suggests that the distance between the victim and the gun was much greater then the victims arm length, then the crime was more then likely a homicide (DiMaio, 1999). Gunshot residue cannot only be used to determine the distance that the weapon was fired at, but also whether or not a wound is an entrance or an exit wound. A GSR test can be done on the edges of the wound to see if there is residue present (Brazeau Wong, 1997). A medical examiner may need help determining whether a wound is an entrance or an exit in a couple of circumstances. Sometimes a bullet can ricochet off of another object before hitting the target, which can cause the wound to look different then the normal entrance wound. The medical examiner may also consider using a GSR test to determine if the wound is an entrance wound if the projectile has entered and exited the body multiple times due to the way the victims body is positioned (Brazeau Wong, 1997). Another use of gunshot residue tests around the edges of a wound is to see if the wound is in fact from a firearm. Sometimes wounds can look like a gunshot wound but are actually from other sources. One of the sources for wounds that can appear as a gunshot wound is the hole some insects will make while they are feasting and laying eggs on a dead body (Brazeau Wong, 1997). Conclusion There are no two cases that are completely and indisputably the same. That is why each case has to be looked at individually. Investigators need to take the time to evaluate the results of any tests and evidence, including gunshot residue. Just because a gunshot residue comes back negative does not necessarily mean there was never and residue there. The same goes for a positive result, just because a test comes back positive does not necessarily mean that that person was the shooter or held the gun. With all the new advances in the technology used to test for gunshot residue the downfalls and errors previously associated with GSR have almost completely been eliminated. Many different studies and experiments have disproved many of the concerns over the tests and results of GSR tests being unreliable. GSR also has many other helpful uses in solving cases such as distance determination and the difference between a homicide and a suicide. While gunshot residue may have been made out to have many downfalls and disadvantages, and while it is not absolutely accurate, nothing in the scientific world is absolutely error proof, and therefore GSR is extremely helpful and is reliable enough to be considered substantial evidence not only in cases but also in court.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Flagstaff :: Colleges Arizona Education Essays

Flagstaff Flagstaff is a small college town in Northern Arizona, with a population of around 55,000. The city is at an elevation of 7,000 feet and is surrounded by ponderosa pines. The ponderosa pines up here are the largest continuous body of ponderosas in the world. The summers are quite nice with temperatures only reaching the 80’s and with winter temperatures in the 40’s. Northern Arizona University is also located in Flagstaff with a college population of 15,000. Flagstaff is great for outdoor activities, many lakes and streams are close by along with many hiking trails. Flagstaff has all four seasons and is ideal in the winter for skiers and snowboarders. The two years that I have lived in Flagstaff have been really fun. The seasons up here along with all the wildlife make hunting and fishing very plentiful. This is one of the main reasons why I decided to go to NAU, also due to the small town atmosphere along with outdoor activities which were very close by. There are many jeep trails and off road trails to explore all around town. Flagstaff also has an urban trail system that runs through the whole town. This is for people who love to walk and bike ride or who just love to be outside this makes a nice friendly type atmosphere for people. Just outside the city limits are the San Francisco Peaks which rise above 12,000 feet, the aspen trees in the background give a unique experience while hiking or snowboarding in the winter time. The peaks also have a ski resort called Arizona snow bowl, which is the oldest ski resort in Arizona and it also has one of the steepest drops in the state which makes for some difficult runs toward the top of the mountain. When I first moved up to Flagstaff in 2002 the city was not new to me, I had visited many times before with my brother and I knew I wanted to go to college here. I also loved the cool weather along with the heavy snows in the winter. Along with hunting and fishing and the whole outdoors thing I loved to play sports so I rushed some of the fraternities and found one the fit me very well. Intramural sports up here are also a real challenge; after you triumph over all of the fraternities you can move on to all campus, then you can really show what your team is made of.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

CD Review :: essays research papers

Jay-Z Blueprint Here you have it, all you Jay-Z fans; a much anticipated review of the hot new CD!! 1)The Ruler's Back 3:49 This song is Jay-Z singing about...Jay-Z. In this song he sounds very conceded. He is 'the Ruler', and when he says "I'm back n***a", there are trumpets playing in the background, jsut like you'd imagine them being played for royalty. He talks about how rich he is, and how he doesn't care if he goes to court, he says"What's a couple dollars to me?" and the only thing he cares about is that you respect him. I dunno, it's kinda tough respecting someone with that big an ego. But it's kinda cool, in the beginning the beat goes with his laugh, it reminds me of how we're supposed to get the virbrato on flute, the whole "hahaha" thing. 2)Takeover 5:13 I like the beat to this song. it's the type you'd go cruising with, turn the bass waaayyyy up. so that you can't even hear the words. Int his song he advertises his record label Roc-A-Fella, and how powerful he is, and how he and his rappers are "runnin' this rap sh*t". He talk about how many more records he's sold than DMX, and disses him. At one point he uses a DMX clip where they're shouting "NOOOO!" And every time, it never fails, I jump out of my seat, it sounds as if someone is sitting right next to you screaming bloody murder. 3)Izzo (H.O.V.A.) 4:00 This is one of my favorite songs on the cd, in fact, this song is the reason I bought the cd. This song has a peppy beat, and talks about how he, inspite of everything that has happened to him, he comes out on top. Honestly, i have no idea what "H to the izzo, V to the izzy" is supposed to mean. The chorus has a girl singing that line, and Jay-Z saying "Forshizzo my nizzo, used to dribble down in VA", then the girls sing "H to the izzo, V to the izzy" again, and then Jay-Z says "That's the anthem, get your da*n hands up". It's the type of song you can't help but bop your head to. It's also the perfect length, by the end of it, you aren't tired of the song unlike some of the other songs on this cd. 4) Girls, Girls, Girls 4:35

Friday, October 11, 2019

Fool Chapter 14

FOURTEEN ON TENDER HORNS â€Å"I shagged a ghost,† said Drool, wet, naked, and forlorn, sitting in the laundry cauldron under Castle Gloucester. â€Å"There's always a bloody ghost,† said the laundress, who was scrubbing the lout's clothes, which had been most befouled in the moat. It had taken four of Lear's men, along with me, to pull the great git from the stinking soup. â€Å"No excuse for it, really,† said I. â€Å"You've the lake on three sides of the castle, you could open the moat to the lake and the offal and stink would be carried away with the current. I'll wager that one day they find that stagnant water leads to disease. Breeds hostile water sprites, I'll wager.† â€Å"Blimey, you're long-winded for such a wee fellow,† said the laundress. â€Å"Gifted,† I explained, gesturing grandly with Jones. I, too, was naked, but for my hat and puppet stick, my own apparel having taken a glazing of oozy moat mess during the rescue as well. â€Å"Sound the alarm!† Kent came storming down the steps into the laundry, sword unsheathed and followed closely by the two young squires he'd trounced not an hour before. â€Å"Bolt the door! To arms, fool!† â€Å"Hello,† said I. â€Å"You're naked,† said Kent, once again feeling the need to voice the obvious. â€Å"Aye,† said I. â€Å"Find the fool's kit, lads, and get him into it. Wolves are loosed on the fold and we must defend.† â€Å"Stop!† said I. The squires stopped thrashing wildly around the laundry and stood at attention. â€Å"Excellent. Now, Caius, what are you on about?† â€Å"I shagged a ghost,† said Drool to the young squires. They pretended they couldn't hear him. Kent shuffled forward, held back some by the alabaster grandeur of my nakedness. â€Å"Edmund was found with a dagger through his ear, pinned to a high-backed chair.† â€Å"Bloody careless eater he is, then.† â€Å"‘Twas you who put him there, Pocket. And you know it.† â€Å"Moi? Look at me? I am small, weak, and common, I could never – â€Å" â€Å"He's called for your head. He hunts the castle for you even now,† said Kent. â€Å"I swear I saw steam coming out his nostrils.† â€Å"Not going to spoil the Yule celebration, is he?† â€Å"Yule! Yule! Yule!† chanted Drool. â€Å"Pocket, can we go see Phyllis? Can we?† â€Å"Aye, lad, if there's a pawnbroker in Gloucester, I'll take you soon as your kit is dry.† Kent raised a startled porcupine of an eyebrow. â€Å"What is he on about?† â€Å"Every Yule I take Drool down to Phyllis Stein's Pawnshop in London and let him sing ‘Happy Birthday' to Jesus, then blow the candles out on the menorah.† â€Å"But the Yule's a pagan holiday,† said one of the squires. â€Å"Shut up, you twat. Do you want to ruin the twit's fun? Why are you here, anyway? Aren't you Edmund's men? Shouldn't you be trying to put my head on a pike or something?† â€Å"They've changed allegiance to me,† said Kent. â€Å"After the thrashing I gave them.† â€Å"Aye,† said squire one. â€Å"We've more to learn from this good knight.† â€Å"Aye,† said squire two. â€Å"And we were Edgar's men, anyway. Lord Edmund is a scoundrel, if you don't mind me saying, sir.† â€Å"And, dear Caius,† said I. â€Å"Do they know that you are a penniless commoner and can't really maintain a fighting force as if you were, say – oh, I don't know – the Earl of Kent?† â€Å"Excellent point, Pocket,† said Kent. â€Å"Good sirs, I must release you from your service.† â€Å"So we won't be paid, then?† â€Å"My regrets, no.† â€Å"Oh, then we'll take our leave.† â€Å"Fare thee well, keep your guard up, lads,† said Kent. â€Å"Fighting's done with the whole body, not only the sword.† The two squires left the laundry with a bow. â€Å"Will they tell Edmund where we're hiding?† I asked. â€Å"I think not, but you better get your kit on just the same.† â€Å"Laundress, how progresses my motley?† â€Å"Steamin' by the fire, sir. Dry enough to wear indoors, I reckon. Did I hear it right that you put a dagger through Lord Edmund's ear?† â€Å"What, a mere fool? No, silly girl. I'm harmless. A jab from the wit, a poke to the pride are the only injuries a fool inflicts.† â€Å"Shame,† said the laundress. â€Å"He deserves that and worse for how he treats your dim friend – † She looked away. † – and others.† â€Å"Why didn't you just kill the scoundrel outright, Pocket?† asked Kent, kicking subtlety senseless and rolling it up in a rug. â€Å"Well, just shout it out, will you, you great lummox.† â€Å"Aye, like you'd never do such a thing, ‘Top of the morning; grim weather we're having; I've started a bloody war!'† â€Å"Edmund has his own war.† â€Å"See, you did it again.† â€Å"I was coming to tell you when I found the girl ghost having a go at Drool. Then the lout leapt out the window and the rescue was on. The ghost implied that the bastard might be rescued by France. Maybe he's allied with bloody King Jeff to invade.† â€Å"Ghosts are notoriously unreliable,† said Kent. â€Å"Did you ever consider that you might be mad and hallucinating the whole thing? Drool, did you see this ghost?† â€Å"Aye, I had a half a laugh wif her before I got frightened,† said Drool, sadly, contemplating his tackle through the steamy water. â€Å"I fink I gots deaf on me willie.† â€Å"Laundress, help the lad wash the death off his willie, would you?† â€Å"Not bloody likely,† said she. I held the tip of my coxcomb to stay any jingling and bowed my head to show my sincerity. â€Å"Really, love, ask yourself, What would Jesus do?† â€Å"If he had smashing knockers,† added Drool. â€Å"Don't help.† â€Å"Sor-ry.† â€Å"War? Murder? Treachery?† reminded Kent. â€Å"Our plan?† â€Å"Aye, right,† said I. â€Å"If Edmund has his own war it will completely bollocks up our plans for civil war between Albany and Cornwall.† â€Å"All well and good, but you didn't answer my question. Why didn't you just slay the bastard?† â€Å"He moved.† â€Å"So you meant to kill him?† â€Å"Well, I hadn't thought it through completely, but when I sent his dagger at his eye socket I believed that there might be a fatal outcome. And I must say, although I didn't stay to revel in the moment, it was very satisfying. Lear says that killing takes the place of bonking in the ancient. You've killed a multitude of chaps, Kent. Do you find that to be the case?† â€Å"No, that's a disgusting thought.† â€Å"And yet, with Lear lies your loyalty.† â€Å"I'm beginning to wonder,† said Kent, sitting down now on an overturned wooden tub. â€Å"Who do I serve? Why am I here?† â€Å"You are here, because, in the expanding ethical ambiguity of our situation, you are steadfast in your righteousness. It is to you, my banished friend, that we all turn – a light amid the dark dealings of family and politics. You are the moral backbone on which the rest of us hang our bloody bits. Without you we are merely wiggly masses of desire writhing in our own devious bile.† â€Å"Really?† asked the old knight. â€Å"Aye,† said I. â€Å"I'm not sure I want to keep company with you lot, then.† â€Å"Not like anyone else will have you, is it? I need to see Regan before my bastard ear piercing poisons our cause. Will you take her a message, Kent – er, Caius?† â€Å"Will you put on your trousers, or at least your codpiece?† â€Å"Oh, I suppose. That had always been part of the plan.† â€Å"Then I will bear your message to the duchess.† â€Å"Tell her – no, ask her – if she still holds the candle she promised for Pocket. Then ask her if I may meet her somewhere private.† â€Å"I'm off, then. But try to manage not to get murdered while I'm gone, fool.† â€Å"Kitten!† said I. â€Å"You poxy little vermin,† said Regan, in glorious red. â€Å"What do you want?† Kent had led me to a chamber far in the bowels of the castle. I couldn't believe that Gloucester would house royal guests in an abandoned dungeon. Regan must have somehow found her own way here. She had an affinity for such places. â€Å"You received the letter from Goneril, then?† I asked. â€Å"Yes. What is it to you, fool?† â€Å"The lady confided in me,† said I, bouncing my eyebrows and displaying a charming grin. â€Å"What is your thought?† â€Å"Why would I want to dismiss father's knights, let alone take them into my service? We have a small army at Cornwall.† â€Å"Well, you're not at Cornwall, are you, love?† â€Å"What are you saying, fool?† â€Å"I'm saying that your sister bade you come to Gloucester to intercept Lear and his retinue, and thus stop him from going to Cornwall.† â€Å"And my lord and I came with great haste.† â€Å"And with a very small force, correct?† â€Å"Yes, the message said it was urgent. We needed to move quickly.† â€Å"So, when Goneril and Albany arrive, you will be away from your castle and nearly defenseless.† â€Å"She wouldn't dare.† â€Å"Let me ask you, lady, where do you think the Earl of Gloucester's allegiance lies?† â€Å"He is our ally. He has opened his castle to us.† â€Å"Gloucester, who was nearly usurped by his eldest son – you think he sides with you?† â€Å"Well, with Father, then, which is the same thing.† â€Å"Unless Lear is aligned with Goneril against you.† â€Å"But she relieved him of his knights. He ranted about it for an hour after his arrival, called Goneril every foul name under the sun, and praised me for my sweetness and loyalty, even overlooking my throwing his messenger into the stocks.† I said nothing. I removed my coxcomb, scratched my head, and sat on some dusty instrument of torture to observe the lady by torchlight and watch her eyes as the rust ground off the twisted gears of her mind. She was simply lovely. I thought about what the anchoress had said about a wise man only expecting so much perfection in something as its nature allows. I thought that I might, indeed, be witnessing the perfect machine. Her eyes went wide when the realization hit. â€Å"That bitch!† â€Å"Aye,† said I. â€Å"They'll have it all, she and Father?† â€Å"Aye,† said I. I could tell her anger didn't arise from the betrayal, but from not having thought of it first. â€Å"You need an ally, lady, and one with more influence than this humble fool can provide. Tell me, what do you think of Edmund the bastard?† â€Å"He's fit enough, I suppose.† She chewed a fingernail and concentrated. â€Å"I'd shag him if my lord wouldn't murder him – or come to think of it, maybe because he would.† â€Å"Perfect!† said I. Oh Regan, patron saint of Priapus,[38] the most slippery of the sisters: in disposition preciously oily, in discourse, deliciously dry. My venomous virago, my sensuous charmer of serpents – thou art truly perfection. Did I love her? Of course. For even though I have been accused of being an egregious horn-beast, my horns are tender, like the snail's – and never have I hoisted the horns of lust without I've taken a prod from Cupid's barb as well. I have loved them all, with all my heart, and have learned many of their names. Regan. Perfect. Regan. Oh yes, I loved her. She was a beauty to be sure – there was none in the kingdom more fair; a face that could inspire poetry and a body that inspired lust, longing, larceny, treachery, perhaps even war. (I am not without hope.) Men had murdered each other in competition for her favors – it was a hobby with her husband, Cornwall. And to her credit, while she could smile as a bloke bled to death with her name on his lips, she was not tight-fisted with her charms. It only added to the tension around her that someone was going to be shagged silly in the near future, and how much more thrilling if his life hung by a thread as he did the deed. In fact, the promise of violent death might be to the princess Regan like the nectar of Aphrodite herself, now that I think of it. Why else would she have called for my death all those years ago, when I had so diligently served her, after Goneril had left the White Tower to wed Albany. It had begun, it seems, with a bit of jealousy. â€Å"Pocket,† said Regan. She was perhaps eighteen or nineteen at the time, but unlike Goneril, had been exploring her womanly powers for years on various lads about the castle. â€Å"I find it offensive that you gave personal counsel to my sister, yet when I call you to my chambers I get nothing but tumbling and singing.† â€Å"Aye, but a song and a tumble seem all that's needed to lift the lady's spirits, if I may say so.† â€Å"You may not. Am I not fair?† â€Å"Extremely so, lady. Shall I compose a rhyme to your beauty? A ravishing tart from Nantucket – â€Å" â€Å"Am I not as fair as Goneril?† â€Å"Next to you, she is less than invisible, just a shimmering envious vacuum, is she.† â€Å"But do you, Pocket, find me attractive – in a carnal way – the way you did my sister? Do you want me?† â€Å"Ah, of course, lady, from the morning I wake, I have but one thought, one vision: of your deliciousness, under this humble and unworthy fool, writhing naked and making monkey noises.† â€Å"Really, that's all you think about?† â€Å"Aye, and occasionally breakfast, but it's only seconds before I'm back to Regan, writhing, and monkey noises. Wouldn't you like to have a monkey? We should have one around the castle, don't you think?† â€Å"So all you think of is this?† And with that, she shrugged off her gown, red as always, and there she stood, raven-haired and violet-eyed, snowy fair and finely fit, as if carved by the gods from a solid block of desire. She stepped out of the pool of bloodred velvet and said, â€Å"Drop your puppet stick, fool, and come here.† And I, ever the obedient fool, did. And oh it led to many months of clandestine monkey noises: howling, grunting, screeching, yipping, squishing, slapping, laughing, and no little bit of barking. (But there was no flinging of poo, as monkeys are wont to do. Only the most decent, forthright monkey sounds as are made from proper bonking.) I put my heart into it, too; but the romance was soon crushed beneath her cruel and delicate heel. I suppose I shall never learn. It seems a fool is not so often taken as a medicine for melancholy, as for ennui, incurable and recurring among the privileged. â€Å"You've been spending a lot of time with Cordelia of late,† said Regan, basking glorious in the gentle glow of the afterbonk (your narrator in a sweaty puddle on the bedside floor, having been summarily ejected after rendering noble service). â€Å"I am jealous.† â€Å"She's a little girl,† said I. â€Å"But when she has you, I cannot. She's my junior. It's not acceptable.† â€Å"But, lady, it's my duty to keep the little princess smiling, your father has commanded it. Besides, if I am otherwise engaged you can have that sturdy fellow you fancy from the stable, or that young yeoman with the pointy beard, or that Spanish duke or whatever he is that's been about the castle for a month. Does that bloke speak a word of English? I think he may be lost.† â€Å"They are not the same.† I felt my heart warm at her words. Could it be real affection? â€Å"Well, yes, what we share is – â€Å" â€Å"They rut like goats – there's no art to it, and I weary of shouting instructions to them, especially the Spaniard – I don't think he speaks a word of English.† â€Å"I'm sorry, milady,† said I. â€Å"But that said, I must away.† I stood and gathered my jerkin from under the wardrobe, my leggings from the hearth, my codpiece from the chandelier. â€Å"I've promised to teach Cordelia about griffins and elves over tea with her dolls.† â€Å"You'll not,† said Regan. â€Å"I must,† said I. â€Å"I want you to stay.† â€Å"Alas, parting is such sweet sorrow,† said I. And I kissed the downy dimple at the small of her back. â€Å"Guard!† called Regan. â€Å"Pardon?† I inquired. â€Å"Guard!† The door to her solar opened and an alarmed yeoman looked in. â€Å"Seize this scoundrel. He hath ravaged your princess.† She had conjured tears, in that short span of time. A bit of a wonder, she was. â€Å"Fuckstockings,† said I, as two stout yeomen took me by the arms and dragged me down to the great hall in Regan's wake, her dressing gown open and flowing out behind her as she wailed. It seemed a familiar motif, yet I did not feel the confidence that comes with rehearsal. Perhaps it was that Lear was actually holding court before the people when we entered the great hall. A line of peasants, merchants, and minor noblemen waited as the king heard their cases and made judgments. Still in his Christian phase, he had been reading about the wisdom of Solomon, and had been experimenting with the rule of law, thinking it quaint. â€Å"Father, I insist you hang this fool immediately!† Lear was taken aback, not only by the shrillness of his daughter's demand, but by the fact that she stood frontally bare to all the petitioners and made no effort to close her red gown. (Tales would be told of that day, of how many a plaintiff, having seen the snowy-skinned princess in all her glory, did hold his grievance pitiful, indeed, his life worthless, and went home to beat his wife or drown himself in the mill pond.) â€Å"Father, your fool hath violated me.† â€Å"That's a fluttering bottle of bat wank, sire,† said I. â€Å"Begging your pardon.† â€Å"You speak rashly, daughter, and you appear frothing-dog mad. Calm yourself and state your grievance. How hath my fool offended?† â€Å"He hath shagged me roughly, against my will, and finished too soon.† â€Å"By force? Pocket? He isn't eight stone on a feast day – he couldn't shag a cat by force.† â€Å"That's not true, sire,† said I. â€Å"If the cat is distracted with a trout, then – well, uh, nevermind – â€Å" â€Å"He violated my virtue and spoiled my virginity,† said Regan. â€Å"I insist you hang him – hang him twice, the second time before he's finished choking from the first – that'll be fitting justice.† I said: â€Å"What has put vengeance in your blood, princess? I was just going to tea with Cordelia.† Since the little one wasn't present, I hoped invoking her name might awaken the king to my cause, but it only seemed to incense Regan. â€Å"Forced me down and used me like a common tart,† said Regan, adding rather more pantomime than the petitioners in the hall could bear. Several began to beat their fists to their heads, others grabbed at their groins and sank to their knees. â€Å"No!† said I. â€Å"I've had many a wench by stealth, a few by guile, a number by charm, a brace by mistake, the odd harlot for coin, and, when all else has failed, I've made do by begging, but by God's blood, none by force!† â€Å"Enough!† said Lear. â€Å"I'll hear no more. Regan, close your robe. As I have decreed, we are a kingdom of laws. There shall be a trial, and if the rascal is found guilty, then I'll see him hanged twice myself. Make way for a trial.† â€Å"Now?† asked the scribe. â€Å"Yes, now,† said Lear. â€Å"What do we need? A couple of chaps to do the prosecuting and defending, grab a few of those peasants for witnesses, and with due process, habeas corpus, fair weather and whatnot, we'll have the fool dangling black-tongued before tea. Will that suit you, daughter?† Regan closed her robe and turned away coyly. â€Å"I suppose.† â€Å"And you, fool?† Lear winked at me, none too subtly. â€Å"Aye, majesty. A jury, perhaps, chosen from that same group as the witnesses.† Well, one has to make an effort. From their reaction I would be acquitted, on a â€Å"who could blame† him basis: justifiable shaggicide, they'd call it. But no. â€Å"No,† said the king. â€Å"Bailiff read the charges.† The bailiff obviously hadn't written up charges, so he unrolled a scroll on which was written something entirely unconnected to my case, and faked it: â€Å"The Crown states that on this day, October fourteenth, year of Our Lord, one thousand, two hundred, and eighty-eight, the fool known as Pocket, did with forethought and malice, shag the virgin princess Regan.† There was cheering from the gallery, a little scoffing from the court. â€Å"There was no malice,† said I. â€Å"Without malice, then,† said the bailiff. At this point, the magistrate, who normally functioned as a castle steward, whispered to the bailiff, who normally was the chamberlain. â€Å"The magistrate wishes to know how was that?† â€Å"‘Twas sweet, yet nasty, your honor.† â€Å"Note that the accused hath stated that it was [sweet and nasty], thereby admitting his guilt.† More cheering. â€Å"Wait, I wasn't ready.† â€Å"Smell him,† said Regan. â€Å"He reeks of sex, like fish and mushroom and sweat, doesn't he?† One of the peasant witnesses ran forth and sniffed my bits mercilessly, then looked to the king, nodding. â€Å"Aye, your honor,† said I. â€Å"I'm sure I have an odor about me. I must confess, I was sans trou today in the kitchen, while awaiting my laundry, and Bubble had left a casserole out on the floor to cool, and it did trip me and I fell prick-deep in gravy and goo – but I was on my way to chapel at the time.† â€Å"You put your dick in my lunch?† said Lear. Then to the bailiff, â€Å"The fool put his dick in my lunch?† â€Å"No, in your beloved daughter,† said Regan. â€Å"Quiet, girl!† barked the king. â€Å"Captain Curan, send a guard to watch the bread and cheese before the fool has his way with it.† It went on like that, with things looking rather grim for me as the evidence mounted against me, peasants taking the opportunity to describe the most lecherous acts they could imagine a wicked fool might perpetrate on an unsuspecting princess. I thought testimony of the sturdy stable boy particularly damning at first, but eventually it led to my acquittal. â€Å"Read that back, so the king may hear the true heinous nature of the crime,† said my prosecutor, who I believe butchered cattle for the castle as his normal vocation. The scribe read the stable boy's words: â€Å"Yes, yes, yes, ride me, you crashing tree-cocked stallion.† â€Å"That's not what she said,† said I. â€Å"Yes, it is. It's what she always says,† said the scribe. â€Å"Aye,† said the steward. â€Å"Aye, it is,† said the priest. â€Å"S,† said the Spaniard. â€Å"Well, she never says that to me,† said I. â€Å"Oh,† said the stable boy. â€Å"Then it's ‘Prance, you twig-dicked little pony,' is it?† â€Å"Possibly,† said I. â€Å"She never says that to me,† said the yeoman with the pointy beard. Then there was a moment of silence, while all who had spoken looked around at one another, then furiously avoided eye contact and found spots on the floor of great interest. â€Å"Well,† said Regan, chewing a fingernail as she spoke, â€Å"there is a chance that, uh, I was having a dream.† â€Å"Then the fool did not take your virtue?† asked Lear. â€Å"Sorry,† said Regan sheepishly. â€Å"It was but a dream. No more wine at lunch for me.† â€Å"Release the fool!† said Lear. The crowd booed. I walked out of the hall side by side with Regan. â€Å"He might have hung me,† I whispered. â€Å"I'd have shed a tear,† said she with a smile. â€Å"Really.† â€Å"Woe to you, lady, should you leave that rosebud asterisk of a bum-hole unguarded on our next meeting. When a fool's surprise comes unbuttered, a Pocket's pleasure will a princess punish.† â€Å"Oooo, do tease, fool, shall I put a candle in it so you can find your way.† â€Å"Harpy!† â€Å"Rascal!† â€Å"Pocket, where have you been?† said Cordelia, who was coming down the corridor. â€Å"Your tea has gone cold.† â€Å"Defending big sister's honor, sweetness,† said I. â€Å"Oh bollocks,† said Regan. â€Å"Pocket dresses the fool, but he is ever our hero, isn't he, Regan?† said Cordelia. â€Å"I think I'm going to be ill,† said the elder princess. â€Å"So, love,† said I, rising from my perch on the torture machine and reaching into my jerkin. â€Å"I'm pleased you feel that way about Lord Edmund, for he has sent me with this letter.† I handed her the letter. The seal was dodgy, but she wasn't looking at the stationery. â€Å"He's smitten with you, Regan. In fact, so smitten he tried to cut off his own ear to deliver with this missive, to show you the depth of his affection.† â€Å"Really? His ear.† â€Å"Say nothing at the Yule feast, tonight, lady, but you'll see the bandage. Mark it as a tribute of his love.† â€Å"You saw him cut his ear?† â€Å"Yes, and stopped him before the deed was done.† â€Å"Was it painful, do you think?† â€Å"Oh yes, lady. He has already suffered more than have others in months of knowing you.† â€Å"That's so sweet. Do you know what the letter says?† â€Å"I was sworn not to look upon pain of death, but come close – â€Å" She leaned close to me and I squeezed the witch's puffball under her nose. â€Å"I believe it speaks of a midnight rendezvous with Edmund of Gloucester.†